java - JDBC查询多个数据库

标签 java jdbc parallel-processing

我想要做的是通过 JDBC 查询 N 个数据库并将结果存储在每个数据库特定的文件中。我正在考虑并行执行查询,并通过线程池进行思考,但是这样可以扩展吗?有更好的方法( Actor 模型)吗?





// initialize an executor service
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

// externalize the access to every database in a method declared in a class
// that implements Runnable
class Oracle implements Runnable {
  public void run() {
    // load the driver
    // prepare the statement
    // get the connection
    // execute the statement and get the results
    // save the results to a file

// execute every db access withing the executor
executor.execute(new Oracle());
executor.execute(new SqlServer());
executor.execute(new MySql());

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