android - 当我的应用程序打开并且屏幕亮着时,如何允许 Android 打瞌睡?

标签 android android-source android-9.0-pie android-doze android-doze-and-standby

我正在制作一个将在设备锁定时运行的应用程序,通过 Activity#setShowWhenLocked(true)。我不想阻止设备进入低功耗状态。我知道系统使用 Always-On Display 执行此操作,并且显示器为此具有关联的电源模式:


286    /**
287     * Display state: The display is dozing in a low power state; it is still
288     * on but is optimized for showing system-provided content while the
289     * device is non-interactive.
290     *
291     * @see #getState
292     * @see android.os.PowerManager#isInteractive
293     */
294    public static final int STATE_DOZE = ViewProtoEnums.DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE; // 3
296    /**
297     * Display state: The display is dozing in a suspended low power state; it is still
298     * on but the CPU is not updating it. This may be used in one of two ways: to show
299     * static system-provided content while the device is non-interactive, or to allow
300     * a "Sidekick" compute resource to update the display. For this reason, the
301     * CPU must not control the display in this mode.
302     *
303     * @see #getState
304     * @see android.os.PowerManager#isInteractive
305     */
306    public static final int STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND = ViewProtoEnums.DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND; // 4


51     * Wakefulness: The device is dozing.  It is almost asleep but is allowing a special
52     * low-power "doze" dream to run which keeps the display on but lets the application
53     * processor be suspended.  It can be awoken by a call to wakeUp() which ends the dream.
54     * The device fully goes to sleep if the dream cannot be started or ends on its own.
55     */
56    public static final int WAKEFULNESS_DOZING = 3;

如果可能的话,我想避免使用 root 来执行此操作,但如果所有其他方法都失败了,我可以 manually control doze with root using these commands ,但这听起来很困惑,我不想弄乱任何其他应用程序的打瞌睡交互。

此外,我只特别关注 Android Pie (9.0) 及更高版本。


我也尝试过获取DOZE_WAKE_LOCK,但它需要系统权限DEVICE_POWER。我试图adb shell pm grant我的应用程序的权限,但它不是可更改的权限类型。


你可以通过 DreamService 来做到这一点这是一个屏幕保护程序。您不能通过 Activity 执行此操作。 Activity 阻止设备进入休眠模式。

Dreams are interactive screensavers launched when a charging device is idle, or docked in a desk dock. Dreams provide another modality for apps to express themselves, tailored for an exhibition/lean-back experience.

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