java - 调用方法 ".class expected"

标签 java class methods


public class rungame {
    public void run() {


    public class Menu{

    public static void start(String[] args){
        for( ; ; ){
            System.out.println("\nWelcome To The Block Game By Joe Easton\n");
            System.out.println("Enter S To Start");
            System.out.println("Enter H For Help");
            System.out.println("Enter E To Exit");
            System.out.println("\nWhat is your command?");

            //loop looking for input
            for( ; ; ){

                String answer;
                Keyboard kb = new Keyboard();
                answer = kb.readString();

                if(answer.charAt(0) == 'S' || answer.charAt(0) == 's' || answer.charAt(0) == 'H' || answer.charAt(0) == 'h' || answer.charAt(0) == 'e' || answer.charAt(0) == 'E') {

                    if(answer.charAt(0) == 'S' || answer.charAt(0) == 's'){
                        System.out.println("\nWhat is your name?");
                        String name;
                        name = kb.readString();

                        System.out.println("\nPress y to start");
                        String start;
                        start = kb.readString();

                        if(answer.charAt(0) == 'y' || answer.charAt(0) == 'Y') {



                    if(answer.charAt(0) == 'H' || answer.charAt(0) == 'h'){

                                    System.out.println("\nIn this game, you have to avoid the B's by moving your character P. \nThe longer you last, the more points you get. \n\nTo move your character:\nUse the G key to go left\nUse the H key to go right\nUse the J key to go up\nUse the K key to go down");
                                    System.out.println("\nWhat is your command?");

                    if(answer.charAt(0) == 'E' || answer.charAt(0) == 'e'){
                else{System.out.println("\nInvalid Command!");
                System.out.println("\nWhat is your command?");

当我尝试从另一个类运行它时,出现 .class 预期错误,菜单类编译并运行良好



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