java - 是否有一个随机函数可以返回所选类型的值?

标签 java random

有没有办法使用与给定数据类型相关的随机函数,即 如果我请求的类型是 double ,那么我将得到 double 值,如果请求的类型是 float ,我将得到 float/code> 值?



java 1.7:
您要么调用 ThreadLocalRandom.current().next<DataType>()您自己,或者您围绕此调用编写一个包装器:

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;


public static int nextRandom(int maxValueExclusive)
    return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(maxValueExclusive);

public static long nextRandom(long maxValueExclusive)
    return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(maxValueExclusive);

public static double nextRandom(double maxValueExclusive)
    return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(maxValueExclusive);

public static float nextRandom(float maxValueExclusive)
    if (maxValueExclusive <= 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument must be positive: " + maxValueExclusive);
    return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextFloat()*maxValueExclusive;

public static boolean nextRandom(boolean unusedValue)
    return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBoolean();

java 1.6:

import java.util.Random;


private static final Random random = new Random(); // be careful with multiple threads

public static int nextRandom(int maxValueExclusive)
    return random.nextInt(maxValueExclusive);

public static long nextRandom(long maxValueExclusive)
    //implementation from java 1.7 ThreadLocalRandom
    if (maxValueExclusive <= 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument must be positive: " + maxValueExclusive);
    // Divide n by two until small enough for nextInt. On each
    // iteration (at most 31 of them but usually much less),
    // randomly choose both whether to include high bit in result
    // (offset) and whether to continue with the lower vs upper
    // half (which makes a difference only if odd).
    long offset = 0;
    while (maxValueExclusive >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        long half = maxValueExclusive >>> 1;
        long nextn = random.nextBoolean() ? half : maxValueExclusive - half;
        if (random.nextBoolean())
            offset += maxValueExclusive - nextn;
        maxValueExclusive = nextn;
    return offset + random.nextInt((int) maxValueExclusive);

public static double nextRandom(double maxValueExclusive)
    if (maxValueExclusive <= 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument must be positive: " + maxValueExclusive);
    return random.nextDouble()*maxValueExclusive;

public static float nextRandom(float maxValueExclusive)
    if (maxValueExclusive <= 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument must be positive: " + maxValueExclusive);
    return random.nextFloat()*maxValueExclusive;

public static boolean nextRandom(boolean unusedValue)
    return random.nextBoolean();

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