java - Selenium WebDriver - 什么是 "Selenium Client & WebDriver Language Bindings"

标签 java selenium selenium-webdriver language-binding

在 selenium 下载页面中,我看到“Selenium 客户端和 WebDriver 语言绑定(bind)”部分

1) 什么是语言绑定(bind)?和

2) 什么是客户端驱动程序? (我不是技术出身的)

有人可以解释一下取自 selenium 下载页面的以下内容吗:( )


In order to create scripts that interact with the Selenium Server (Selenium RC, Selenium Remote Webdriver) or create local Selenium WebDriver script you need to make use of language-specific client drivers. These languages include both 1.x and 2.x style clients. While language bindings for other languages exist, these are the core ones that are supported by the main project hosted on google code.



其中一些文档已经过时了。它来自旧的 Selenium 1.x 版本。 Selenium WebDriver 现在有很大不同,有 2.x 版本(最新的是 2.31)。 Selenium 2.x 版本的绑定(bind)在您的 View 中隐藏。您定义功能并启动一个新的 RemoteWebDriver,然后 Hub+Node 会在幕后处理绑定(bind)。

现在,要进行类似于 RC 的交互,您需要:

  1.  To start a Grid Hub on port 4444
  2.  Start 1 Node Hub on port 5555 on either your local machine or a remote machine.  It has configuration that tells it how to connect to the Hub.
  3.  In your script, start a new client using:

 URL hubURL = new URL(""); // always use IP address
 DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
 RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(hubURL), capability);

I have an example project you can try here .

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