java - 需要在数组中引用和数字格式方面的帮助

标签 java

我在作业中迷失了方向,需要帮助!基本上,我想编写一个代码,用户可以输入 12 个月内每月降雨量的英寸数。它将计算总英寸数、平均英寸数,并指出降雨量最多和最少的月份。我可以控制总英寸数和平均英寸数。

降雨最多和最少的地方是我遇到问题的地方。我知道如何编写代码来计算出最高和最少的降雨量,但我不知道如何让它实际说出输出中的实际月份。它要我列出 12 个月数组中的实际数字,例如 7 表示第七个月。

我遇到的另一个问题是十进制格式。我将 import 语句放在顶部,并将我认为正确的代码放在正文中我认为正确的位置,但是当计算平均值时,它仍然会产生一长串数字。即 12.12121314141,当我希望它显示 12.1 时。


import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Rainfall
   public static void main (String [] args)
      final int MONTHS = 12;
   double[] rainFall = new double[MONTHS];


   DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("##0.0");
   System.out.println("The total rainfall for this year is " +      

   System.out.println("The average rainfall for this year is " + 
   System.out.println("The month with the highest amount of rain is " +     
   System.out.println("The month with the lowest amount of rain is " +  


  totalRain method
  @return The total rain fall in the array.

   public static double totalRain(double[] rainFall)
      double total = 0.0;     // Accumulator

  // Accumulate the sum of the elements in the rain fall array
  for (int index = 0; index < rainFall.length; index++)
     //total += rainFall[index];
     total = total + rainFall[index];

  // Return the total.
      return total;

  averageRain method 
  @return The average rain fall in the array.

   public static double averageRain(double[] rainFall)
      return totalRain(rainFall) / rainFall.length;

  mostRain method
  @return The most rain in the rain fall array.

   public static double mostRain(double[] rainFall)
  double highest = rainFall[0];

  for (int index = 0; index < rainFall.length; index++)
     if (rainFall[index] > highest)
        highest = rainFall[index];

  return highest;

  leastRain method
  @returns The least rain in rain fall array.

   public static double leastRain(double[] rainFall)
  double lowest = rainFall[0];

  for (int index = 0; index < rainFall.length; index++)
     if (rainFall[index] < lowest)
        lowest = rainFall[index];

  return lowest;

  initRain method 
  @return The rain fall array filled with user input
public static void initRain(double[] array)
      double input;  // To hold user input.
  Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

      for (int index = 0; index < array.length; index++)
    System.out.print("Enter rain fall for month " + (index + 1)     

            +": ");
    array[index] = scan.nextDouble();



System.out.println("The total rainfall for this year is " +      



编辑。好的,我明白了。当您分配 higuestRain,... 值时,循环内的 index 值将是您要搜索的月份; )

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