Java RMI - 代码库使用

标签 java rmi

我对 Java RMI 代码库属性有点困惑。


我是否理解,仅当远程方法的参数之一是某个未实现远程接口(interface)的类时,客户端代码库才重要?因为如果它实现远程接口(interface),服务器不需要下载任何东西,因为在服务器端会有 stub 。


The client requests the class definition from the codebase. The codebase the client uses is the URL that was annotated to the stub instance when the stub class was loaded by the registry. Back in step 1, the annotated stub for the exported object was then registered with the Java RMI registry bound to a name.

如果客户端仅使用 stub 实现,为什么需要请求 stub 类定义。


Do I understand that client codebase will matter only if one of the parameters to the remote method is some class that is not implementing remote interface?


But why there is a need for codebase needed on the server side.


Why does the client need to request stub class definition if it uses only stub implementation.


您需要了解整个代码库系统在两端都是可选的。这是一个部署解决方案。如果您不需要它提供的灵 active ,请不要使用它。

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