java - 确保嵌套重复实体的索引

标签 java mongodb indexing database


urlEntities: [ 
{ "url" : "" , "display_url" : "" ,  "expanded_url" :
""} , 
{ "url" : "" , "display_url" : "" , 
"expanded_url" : ""}

url, display_url, and expaned_url need to be unique. How to issue ensureIndex command for this condition in MongoDB?

Also, is it a good design to have nested documents like this or should I move them to a separate collection and refer them from here inside urlEntities? I'm new to MongoDB, any best practices suggestion would be much helpful.

Full Scenario:

Say if I have a document as below in the db which has millions of data:

{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "51f72afa3893686e0c406e19"} , "user" : "test" , "urlEntities" : [ { "url" : "" , "display_url" : "" , "expanded_url" : ""}] , "count" : 0}

When I get another document with similar urlEntities object, I need to update user and count fields only. First I thought of enforcing unique constraint on urlEntities fields and then handle exception and then go for an update, else if I check for each entry whether it exists before inserting, it will have significant impact on the performance. So, how can I enforce uniqueness in urlEntities? I tried





db.collection.ensureIndex( { 'urlEntities.url' : 1 } );
db.col.insert( {
    _id: 42,
    urlEntities: [
            "url" : ""
            "url" : ""



db.collection.insert( {
    _id: 43,
    title: "This is an example",
} );
    { _id: 43 },
        '$addToSet': { 
            urlEntities: { 
                "url" : "" , 
                "display_url" : "" ,  
                "expanded_url" : ""

现在您已拥有 _id 43 的文档以及一个 urlEntities 文档。如果您再次运行相同的更新查询,它将不会添加新的数组元素,因为 url、display_url 和 Expanded_url 的完整组合已经存在存在。

此外,请查看 $addToSet 查询运算符的示例:

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