java - 从命令提示符运行时,maven 不运行主类

标签 java maven-3

嗨,我使用 Maven 创建了一个项目。基本上我使用 eclipse 创建了项目。然后我构建该项目。 eclipse 后一切都运行良好。现在,当我编译项目时,maven 在目标目录中创建了一个类目录。

Maven Target directory structure


java BatchImport.class


could not find or load main class BatchImport.class.


这是我的 Maven 配置


    <!-- to avoid maven-dependency-plugin (goals “copy-dependencies”, “unpack”) is not supported by m2e error -->

            <!-- Ignore/Execute plugin execution -->

                            <!-- copy-dependency plugin -->
                                    <ignore />


        <!-- Maven compiler plugin
             If you run the code maven package now, Maven will package this Java project into a jar file 
             named “LS360BatchImportIntegration-1.0.0.jar“, in target folder. 

        <!-- To make jar file like a exe file, you need to define a manifest file and declare the application 
             entry point inside via maven-jar-plugin in pom.xml. 

            <!-- The configuration of the plugin -->

                <!-- Configuration of the archiver -->

                    <!-- Manifest specific configuration -->

                        <!-- Classpath is added to the manifest of the created jar file. -->

                           Configures the classpath prefix. This configuration option is
                           used to specify that all needed libraries are found under dependency-jars/

                           Use “classpathPrefix” to specify folder name in which all properties will be placed.

                        <!-- Specifies the main class of the application -->

        <!--  uses maven-dependency-plugin to copy all dependencies to "target/dependency-jars/" folder, and 
              defines the dependency classpath with maven-jar-plugin 
                            log4j, org.slf4j, org.springframework, commons-net, commons-collections, 
                            org.apache.commons, javax.mail, org.apache.velocity, commons-logging


编辑 -----------------

enter image description here

我尝试使用 BatchImport.class 和 BatchImport 但我没有得到主类?




java my.pkg.MyClass



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