java - 如何比较两个双数并找到较小的

标签 java compare double rectangles


我发现需要按面积比较矩形,但它具有 double 。 我知道我的比较记得最后一个,但是我们如何在这里进行此检查?


    * Gets the Rectangle with the smallest area
    * @return the rectangle with the smallest area or null if
    * there are no rectangles
   public Rectangle smallestArea()
       if (list.size() == 0) return null;

       Rectangle smallest = list.get(0);           
       double smallestArea = smallest.getWidth() * smallest.getHeight();

       for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
           Rectangle next = list.get(i);
           double nextArea = next.getWidth() * next.getHeight();

           if ((nextArea - smallestArea) < 0) smallest = next;             

       return smallest;



您还应该更新 smallestArea 局部变量(代码中多一行):

   public Rectangle smallestArea()
       if (list.size() == 0) return null;

       Rectangle smallest = list.get(0);           
       double smallestArea = smallest.getWidth() * smallest.getHeight();

       for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
           Rectangle next = list.get(i);
           double nextArea = next.getWidth() * next.getHeight();

           if ((nextArea - smallestArea) < 0) { 
             smallest = next;         // <- Whenever you've updated smallest           
             smallestArea = nextArea; // <- Do not forget updating the smallestArea as well

       return smallest;

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