Java:当涉及父/子时,如何获取 ArrayList 中的值?

标签 java object arraylist parent-child


代码非常简单。 GBox 和 GCircle 是 GHP 的子级。 ArrayList 在 World 中。

我想要做的是打印盒子的 HP 和体积以及圆的 HP 和直径。我知道我可以重写 toString() 但我实际上想获取这些值。这样做的正确语法是什么?

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Ini i = new Ini();

public class Ini {
    private static World w;

    public Ini() {
        w = new World;
        System.out.println("Box: HP: " +
                           w.getList().get(0).getHP() +
                           "Volume: " +
                           //compile error no variable GBox in GHP
        System.out.println("Circle: HP: " +
                           w.getList().get(1).getHP() +
                           "Radius: " +
                           //compile error no variable GCircle in GHP

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class World {
    private ArrayList<GHP> list = new ArrayList<>();

    public void makeGBox() {
        list.add(new GBox());
    public void makeGCircle() {
        list.add(new GCircle());

    public ArrayList<GHP> getList() {
        return list;

public class GHP {
    private int HP;

    public GHP() {

    public int getHP() {
        return HP;
    public void setHP(int HP) {
        this.HP = HP;

public class GBox extends GHP{
    private int volume;

    public GBox() {

    public int getVolume() {
        return volume;
    public void setVolume(int volume) {
        this.volume = volume;

public class GCircle extends GHP{
    private int radius;

    public GCircle {

    public int getRadius() {
        return radius;
    public void setRadius(int radius) {
        this.radius = radius;



for (GHP ghp : w.getList()) { // Avoid using get(index) without a forloop, as such
    if (ghp instanceof GBox) { // Using the instanceof operator, you can differentiate the 2 class types
        System.out.println("Box: HP: " + ghp.getHP() + "Volume: "
                + ((GBox) ghp).getVolume()); // Cast it to GBox to be able to call getVolume

    if (ghp instanceof GCircle) {
        System.out.println("Circle: HP: " + ghp.getHP() + "Radius: "
                + ((GCircle) ghp).getRadius());// Cast it to GCircle to be able to call getRadius 

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