java - Joda DateTimeZone.getName(long instant) 返回无效名称

标签 java datetime jodatime


private void Foo() 

 DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("ZZ");
 DateTime dt =;

 System.out.println(dtf.print(dt));  // Prints +05:00, though expected is +00:00

 DateTimeZone tz = DateTimeZone.getDefault();

 System.out.println(" Get Name " + tz.getName(System.currentTimeMillis())); 
 // Prints Get Name Pakistan Time , although expected is Coordinated Universal Time



您的计算机可能设置为 UTC,但 JVM 也可能设置为其他时间。

来自Joda Time docsDateTimeZone.getDefault() 上:

The default time zone is derived from the system property user.timezone. If that is null or is not a valid identifier, then the value of the JDK TimeZone default is converted. If that fails, UTC is used.

因此,您可以在启动时将时区传递给 JVM:

java -Duser.timezone="UTC"

或者可以在TZ环境变量中设置系统时区等。参见this answer了解更多详情。

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