java - BlueJ Java 复合条件

标签 java conditional-statements bluej compound-assignment



public void rentBook(int theBorrowerNumber, String theReturnDate)

        if(theBorrowerNumber <=0)                                         // checks if the borrower number is less or equal to 0
            System.out.println("Invalid borrower number");                // prints the error message
    returnDate = theReturnDate;                                           // reDate aquires theReDate content
    String day = returnDate.substring(0,2);                               // set the day to the first 2 numbers from the date
    String month = returnDate.substring(2,4);                             // set the month to the second 2 numbers form the date
    int theDay = Integer.parseInt(day);                                   // converts the day string to integer
    int theMonth = Integer.parseInt(month);                               // converts the month string to integer
        if(theDay <= 0 | theDay >= 32 | theMonth <= 0 | theMonth >= 13)   //setting the parameters the date must be within
            System.out.println("Invalid date");                           // prints out if the date is wrong
            super.setBorrowerNumber(theBorrowerNumber);                  // sets the borrower number in the super class



逻辑或运算符是 || 而不是 |

if(theDay <= 0 || theDay >= 32 || theMonth <= 0 || theMonth >= 13)   

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