Java 方法,打印一条欢迎消息,然后打印一条感谢消息

标签 java methods


现在回答我的问题。一种方法必须在屏幕上打印一条消息,我必须在程序开始时调用该方法一次,以打印欢迎消息,并在程序结束时调用该方法一次,以打印感谢消息。这样,我不知道如何制作它,以便用一个方法可以确定程序何时结束。 (当用户在提示输入姓名时输入 -1 时,程序将结束。)

package project.pkg2;

import java.util.*;

public class Project2 {

// Scanner for the console inputs
static Scanner console = new Scanner (;

public static void main(String[] args) {

    String name, formatNet;
    double hours, pay, netPay;

 // Prints the welcome message from the method.

 // Every initialized variable receives the return statements from their respected methods.        
    name  = getName();

    while (!(name.equals("-1")))
    pay   = getPay ();
    hours = getHours ();
    netPay = calcNet(pay,hours);

 // Formats the net pay to be 2 decimals.   
    formatNet = String.format("%.2f", netPay);
    System.out.println(name + "'s net pay is $" + formatNet + " \n");}

// Method for the welcome message, a void because it returns no values.
static void welcomeMessage ()
    System.out.println("Welcome to the CIS 220 Payroll Calculator!\n");

// Method that prompts the user to enter their name, scans it, then returns it.
static String getName ()
    String name;
    System.out.println("Please enter the employee's name(Enter a -1 when finished): ");
    name = console.nextLine();
    return name;


//Method that prompts the user to enter their pay rate, scans it, then returns it.    
static double getPay()
    double payRate;
    System.out.println("Please enter the employee's pay rate: ");
    payRate = console.nextDouble();
    return payRate;

//Method that prompts the user to enter their hours worked, scans it, then returns it.        
static double getHours ()
    double hours;
    System.out.println("Please enter the employee's hours worked:");
    hours = console.nextDouble();
    return hours;

//Method that uses the pay rate, hours worked that the user has entered.
//determines if the user qualifies for overtime pay or not, then calculates the overall    pay
//followed by tax reduction, then returns the netpay value.
static double calcNet (double pay, double hours)
   double net, grossPay;
   String formatNet;

    if(hours > 40)
        grossPay = (pay * hours) * 1.5;
        grossPay = pay * hours;
    net = grossPay - (grossPay * .15);
    return net;



您可以使 printMessage 方法(从welcomeMessage 重命名)采用一个 boolean 参数,告诉该方法是否应显示欢迎或感谢消息。

static void printMessage(final boolean isStarting) {
    if(isStarting) {
        // print the welcome message
    } else {
        // print the thank you message

然后,在程序开头使用 true 调用该方法,在程序末尾使用 false 调用该方法。


private boolean hasPrintedWelcome = false;

printMessage 方法将是:

static void printMessage(final boolean isStarting) {
    if(!hasPrintedWelcome) {
        // print the welcome message
        hasPrintedWelcome = true;
    } else {
        // print the thank you message

第一次调用 printMessage 方法时,它将显示欢迎消息。然后第二次调用该方法,以及随后的任何一次,该方法都会显示感谢消息。

关于Java 方法,打印一条欢迎消息,然后打印一条感谢消息,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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