java - nim 玩家回合循环游戏

标签 java loops



import java.util.*;

class GameOfNim {

public static void main(String [] args) {

    Scanner in = new Scanner (;
    System.out.println("Welcome to the game of Nim!");
    System.out.println("The rules are simple: ");
    System.out.println("1. You must take one but at most half of the marbles.");
    System.out.println("2. The player that takes the last marble loses!");
    System.out.println("To start the game choose a difficulty where 0 = hard & 1 = easy: ");

    int marbles, player, difficulty, pick;
    marbles = (int)(Math.random()*90+10);
    player = (int)(Math.random()+0.5);
    difficulty = (int)(Math.random()+0.5);
    pick = (int)(in.nextInt());

   if(difficulty == 0) {
       System.out.println("The Computer is now in Beast Mode!");
   }else if(difficulty == 1) {
       System.out.println("The Computer is now in easy mode.");

   System.out.println("The pile of marbles has: " + marbles + " total marbles. Game On!");

    {while(marbles>0) {
     if(player==0) { //person
       System.out.print("Pick some marbles: ");
       pick = in.nextInt(); }
       if (pick >= 1 && pick <= marbles/2) {
           marbles = marbles - pick; System.out.println(marbles+"left"); }

    else if(pick < 1 || pick > marbles/2 && marbles > 1) {
      System.out.println("Error: Illegal Move.");
      player = 0; continue; }

    else { marbles = marbles - pick; System.out.println(marbles + "left."); }}

 if(player == 1 && difficulty ==1) { System.out.println("Computer's turn to pick");
 pick = (int)(Math.random()*marbles/2+1);
 marbles = marbles - pick;
 System.out.println("computer picks: " + pick + "marbles." + "There are: " + marbles + " marbles left.");}

 else if(player == 1 && difficulty == 0) {
 System.out.println("Computer's turn to pick");
 if(marbles > 63) {pick = marbles - 63; marbles = marbles - pick;}
 else if(marbles > 31) {pick = marbles - 32; marbles = marbles - pick;} else          if(marbles > 15) {pick = marbles - 15; marbles = marbles - pick;} else if(marbles > 7) {pick = marbles - 7; marbles = marbles - pick;} else if(marbles > 3) {pick = marbles - 3; marbles = marbles - pick;}

else{ pick =  (int)(Math.random()*marbles/2+1); marbles = marbles - pick;
System.out.println("Computer picks: " + pick + "marbles." + "There are: " + marbles + " marbles left."); }}
player=1; //code
else player=0; } {if(player==0)
System.out.println("Computer: 'I give up! You win!");
else System.out.println("Computer: '...You are pathetic...'"); }}}}



if (player == 1 && difficulty == 1);

你永远不会有player = 1,因此它永远不会进入if block 。



将游戏变成它自己的函数,该函数根据谁获胜返回一个 boolean 变量。使用 continue 语句,如果玩家输入的棋子数量无效,则无需在函数中检查轮到谁,因为当玩家移动时,它自然只会进入计算机的回合。


public static boolean game(/*Suitable parameters(ie. number of stones etc.*/)) {
    while (marbles > 0) {
           //Play game

public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Set up stuff
    if (game(/*Suitable parameters(ie. number of stones etc.*/)) {
          //Player wins
    } else {
          //Computer wins

在游戏中,不必担心玩家变量的最干净的方法可能是在游戏循环内有一个 while 循环,只有当玩家做出有效的移动时才会退出:

 while (marbles > 0) {
      while (true) {
             //Player makes move
             if (validMove) {
                     //do move
              } else {
                     //Output error and then the loop repeats itself

      //Computer move

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