java - GAE如何识别blobstore文件所有者

标签 java google-app-engine blobstore

我想在 GAE 中的 BlobStore 上创建一个包含多个文件的目录(文件夹)。 GAE支持吗?谢谢


如果您想这样做,您可能想看看 GCS:

GCS and "subdirectories"

Google Cloud Storage documentation refers to "subdirectories" and the GCS client library allows you to supply subdirectory delimiters when you create an object. However, GCS does not actually store the objects into any real subdirectory. Instead, the subdirectories are simply part of the object filename. For example, if I have a bucket my_bucket and store the file somewhere/over/the/rainbow.mp3, the file rainbow.mp3 is not really stored in the subdirectory somewhere/over/the/. It is actually a file named somewhere/over/the/rainbow.mp3.


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