java - GUI JButton,如何将按钮(问题)分配给答案

标签 java swing user-interface jbutton

好吧,所以我只需要一个简单的答案/提示/建议,或者如果你们愿意修复我的 java GUI 代码。





public void init () //method name init
    Container pane = getContentPane();
    pane.setLayout (new GridLayout (6,0));

    //set component fonts
    Font titleFont = new Font ("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 35);
    Font otherFont = new Font ("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 35);

    //gives a title for program
    lblTitle = new JLabel ("GEOGRAPHY JEOPARDY", JLabel.CENTER);
    lblTitle.setFont (titleFont);

    //use color constant to set colour
    lblTitle.setForeground (;
    lblTitle.setLocation (0,0);

    //makes the intro empty for now
    lblIntro = new JLabel ("");
    //gives the label a font
    lblIntro.setFont (otherFont);

    //the buttons are initialized and contains strings to be compared in action listener
    btn1 = new JButton ("Question 1, 100 points");
    btn2 = new JButton ("Question 2, 200 points");
    btn3 = new JButton ("Question 3, 300 points");
    btn4 = new JButton ("Question 4, 400 points");
    btn5 = new JButton ("Question 5, 500 points");
    btnCheck = new JButton ("Check answer");

    //sets the text to nothing
    txtInput = new JTextField ("", JTextField.CENTER);
    //gives the text in textbox a font
    txtInput.setFont (otherFont);

    //add actionListener to buttons
    btn1.addActionListener (this);
    btn2.addActionListener (this);
    btn3.addActionListener (this);
    btn4.addActionListener (this);
    btn5.addActionListener (this);
    btnCheck.addActionListener (this);

    //makes the label info empty
    lblInfo = new JLabel ("", JLabel.CENTER);

    //Split button into 2 seperate buttons
    panelButtons = new JPanel (new FlowLayout ());
    panelButtons.add (btn1);
    panelButtons.add (btn2);
    panelButtons.add (btn3);
    panelButtons.add (btn4);
    panelButtons.add (btn5);
    panelButtons.add (btnCheck);

    //the items to add on the panel
    pane.add (lblTitle);
    pane.add (lblIntro);
    pane.add (panelButtons);
    pane.add (lblInfo);
    pane.add (btn1);
    pane.add (btn2);
    pane.add (btn3);
    pane.add (btn4);
    pane.add (btn5);
    pane.add (btnCheck);
    pane.add (txtInput);

      public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event)

    //which buttons are  being pressed
    String command = event.getActionCommand();
    //if statements regarding what happens when the buttons are clicked 
    if (command.equals("Question 1, 100 points"))
      //set the text to blank
      //set the label with the question

    //if this button is clicked...
    else if (command.equals("Question 2, 200 points"))
      //set the text empty
      //display question 2
    //if this buttton is clicked...
    else if (command.equals("Question 3, 300 points"))
      //empty text 
      //show question 3
    else if (command.equals("Question 4, 400 points"))
      //make button 4 text empty to indicate that it has been already picked
      //show question 4 in the label called info
    //the action listener is lisening for this button to be clicked
    else if (command.equals("Question 5, 500 points"))
      //make emtpy
      //display question 5

    //listening for that button
    if (command.equals("Check answer"))
      //the textfield is equal to the variable input
      input = txtInput.getText();
      //***THE PROBLEM***
      if (input.equals(a1)||input.equals(a2)||input.equals(a3)||input.equals(a4)||input.equals(a5))
        //if the user input is equal to the answer do...
        if (input.equals(a1))
          //say its correct
          //display it in green colour
          lblIntro.setForeground (;
          //give user 100 points
          points = points + 100;
          //display points
          lblTitle.setText("You have: " + points);
        //if the user input is equal to the answer do...
        else if (input.equals(a2))
          //say its correct
          //display it in green colour
          lblIntro.setForeground (;
          //give user points
          points = points + 200;
          //display the points on panel
          lblTitle.setText("You have: " + points);
        //if the user input is equal to the answer do...
        else if (input.equals(a3))
          //correct answer
          //set green colour-
          lblIntro.setForeground (;
          //give points for correct answer
          points = points + 300;
          //display those points
          lblTitle.setText("You have: " + points);
        //if the user input is equal to the answer do...
        else if (input.equals(a4))
          //say the user is correct
          //show it in green
          lblIntro.setForeground (;
          //give points for reward
          points = points + 400;
          //show on title
          lblTitle.setText("You have: " + points);
        //if the user input is equal to the answer do...
        else if (input.equals(a5))
          //say he or she is correct
          //make the text to display it in green
          lblIntro.setForeground (;
          //give them points for their efforts
          points = points + 500;
          //display the points awarded
          lblTitle.setText("You have: " + points);
      // if any other answer is given
        //say they are incorrect
        //right it in red
        lblIntro.setForeground (;




private Map<String, String> mapQA;
private String currentQuestion;


mapQA = new HashMap<>(4);
mapQA.put(q1, a1); // Or how ever you want to do it...

if (command.equals("Question 1, 100 points"))
    //set the text to blank
    //set the label with the question
    currentQuestion = q1;

//if this button is clicked...
else if (command.equals("Question 2, 200 points"))


if (command.equals("Check answer"))
    //the textfield is equal to the variable input
    input = txtInput.getText();
    String answer = mapQA.get(currentQuestion);
    if (answer.equals(txtInput.getText()) {...

现在,如果是我,我可能还会将每个问题与每个 JButton 相关联...

 Map<JButton, String> mapButtons;

 btn1 = new JButton ("Question 1, 100 points");
 mapButtons = new HashMap<JButton, String>(4);
 mapButtons.put(btn1, "..."); // Question 1...


JButton btn = (JButton)event.getSource();

//set the text to blank
btn .setText("");
//set the label with the question
currentQuestion = mapButtons.get(btn)

并取消 if 语句,除了“检查答案”按钮;)

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