java - 将字符串存储在数组中并分割字符串

标签 java arrays

我在大学作业中遇到了 Java 问题。我们得到了一个文件,其中列出了一组信息(还有更多,这只是一个格式示例):

57363 乔伊·莱德 D D C P H H C D
72992 劳拉·诺德 H H H D D H H H
71258 艾琳 超过 C F C D C C C P


我对 Java 很陌生,所以很多需要在代码开始时导入的内容类型对我来说都是未知的,因此在任何回复中解释代码更改将不胜感激。到目前为止我的代码如下:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class StudentGPA_16997761 {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
    Scanner kb = new Scanner(;

    //get file
    System.out.print("Please enter the name of the file containing student information: ");
    String gradeFile =;
    Scanner grades = new Scanner(new File(gradeFile));

    if (new File(gradeFile).exists()) {
      while (grades.hasNextLine()) {

    //student identification number, a first name, a surname, then 8 individual alphabetic characters that represent the
    //unit grades for the student. Hence, each line of data in the text file represents a student and the grades
    //they achieved in 8 units of study

    //need to make array to hold student information
    //need to make array that holds student id and GPA


我知道它是有效的,因为 System.out.println 打印出我期望读取的行,但我不知道如何存储它们。我想我也许能够让分割工作,但这仍然需要首先数组/数组列表......



while (grades.hasNextLine()) {
    String line = grades.nextLine();
    String[] parts = line.split(" ");

    // get the basics
    String id = parts[0];
    String firstname = parts[1];
    String lastname = parts[2];

    // extract the grades
    int size = parts.length - 3;
    String[] gradelist = new String[size];
    System.arraycopy(parts, 3, gradelist, 0, size);

    // do something with the grades

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