java - BlueJ 如何从数组中获取数据以便与用户输入进行比较

标签 java arrays object bluej

我目前正在摆弄 BlueJ,并尝试让对象之间进行交互。我已经创建了一个帐户和帐户列表类。帐户列表允许您添加帐户对象,然后将其放入数组列表中。

通过索引从数组中删除这些帐户很容易,使用 for 循环来获取每个帐户的位置,但现在它应该删除指定为参数的帐号的帐户,我不知道如何从数组中获取帐号,并将其与用户输入进行比较。


 * Creates an AccountList that will store customers accounts
 * @author Ryan Conway
 * @version 12/11/2014

import java.util.*;

public class AccountList

    private ArrayList < Account > accounts;

     * Create an AccountList that will contain accounts.
    public AccountList()

        accounts = new ArrayList < Account >();


     * Add a account to this AccountList.
    public void addAccount(Account newAccount)

     * Return the number of accounts stored in this AccountList.
    public int getNumberOfAccounts()
        return accounts.size();

     * prints out the number of accounts to the terminal.
     * for each loop used to get each account.
    public void getAllAccounts()
        for(Account account : accounts)

        System.out.println("Number of accounts: " + getNumberOfAccounts());

     * Print out details of a account
     * @param accountEntry The entry in the list
    public void getAccount(int accountEntry)
        if(accountEntry < 0)
            System.out.println("Negative entry :" + accountEntry);
        else if(accountEntry < getNumberOfAccounts())
            Account account = accounts.get(accountEntry);

            System.out.println("No such entry :" + accountEntry);

     * removes a account from the list
     * @param accountEntry The entry in the list
    public void removeAccount(int accountEntry)
        if(accountEntry < 0)
            System.out.println("Negative entry :" + accountEntry);
        else if(accountEntry < getNumberOfAccounts())
            System.out.println("No such entry :" + accountEntry);

    public boolean removeAccount(String accountNumber)
        int index = 0;
        for(Account account : accounts)
            if (accounts.equals(accountNumber))
                System.out.println("Found It!");
        return false;


    public void printCollection()


 * Write a description of class Account here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Account
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private String accountNumber;
    private int pointsHeld;
    private Address address;

     * Constructor for objects of class Account.
     * The number of pointsHeld should be set to zero.
     * @param firstName The Account Holder's first name 
     * @param lastName The Account Holder's last name
     * @param accNumber The Account Holder's account number
     * @param street the account holder's street
     * @param town the account holder's town
     * @param postcode the account holder's postcode
    public Account(String fName, String lName, String accNumber,
                   String street, String town, String postcode)
        firstName = fName;
        lastName = lName;
        accountNumber = accNumber;
        pointsHeld = 0;       
        address = new Address(street, town, postcode);

     * Constructor for objects of class Account.
     * The number of pointsHeld should should be set to
     * the supplied value.
     * @param fName The Account Holder's first name 
     * @param lName The Account Holder's last name
     * @param acctNumber The account number
     * @param thePoints the pointsHeld awarded when account is initialised
     * @param street the account holder's street
     * @param town the account holder's town
     * @param postcode the account holder's postcode
    public Account(String fName, String lName, String acctNumber, int points,
                   String street, String town, String postcode)
        firstName = fName;
        lastName = lName;
        accountNumber = acctNumber;
        pointsHeld = points;     
        address = new Address(street, town, postcode);

    // accessors

     * Get the Account Holder's first name
     * @return the Account Holder's first name
    public String getFirstName()
        return firstName;

     * Get the Account Holder's last name
     * @return the Account Holder's last name
    public String getLastName()
        return lastName;

     * Get the Account Holder's account Number
     * @return the Account Holder's account number
    public String getAccountNumber()
        return accountNumber;

     * Get the number of points held
     * @return the number of points held
    public int getNoOfPoints()
        return pointsHeld;

     * Print out the Account Holder's details to the console window
    public void printAccountDetails()
        System.out.println( firstName + " " + lastName 
                           + "\n" + address.getFullAddress()
                           + "\nAccount Number: " + accountNumber
                           + "\nNumber of points: " + pointsHeld);

     * Return the account holder's address
     * @return the account holder's address
    public String getAddress()
        return address.getFullAddress();

    // mutators     

     * Change the first name
     * @param fName the new first name
    public void setFirstName(String fName)
        firstName = fName;

     * Change the last name
     * @param lName the new last name
    public void setLastName(String lName)
        lastName = lName;

     * Increase the number of points held by a given number
     * and output a esage to the console window giving 
     * the revised number of points held.
     * @param number of points to add to total
    public void addPoints(int points)
        pointsHeld = pointsHeld + points;
        System.out.println("Points now held: " + pointsHeld);        

     * Remove pointsHeld by a given number and output a 
     * message to the console window giving the revised number 
     * of points held as long as the number of points would 
     * not fall below zero
     * - otherwise output message to console window instead.
     * @param number of pointsHeld to remove total.
    public void removePoints (int points)
        if ((pointsHeld - points) >=0)
            pointsHeld = pointsHeld - points;
            System.out.println("Points now held: " + pointsHeld);        
            System.out.println("Transaction refused: "
                     + "Insufficient points available.");

     *  Change the account holder's address
     *  @param street the street
     *  @param town the town
     *  @postcode the postcode
    public void setAddress(String street, String town, String postcode)
        address.setFullAddress(street, town, postcode);

     * Print the account holder's address
     public void printAddress()
} // end class





public boolean removeAccount(String accountNumber)
    Iterator<Account> iterator = accounts.iterator();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) 
         if (accountNumber.equals(
            System.out.println("Found It!");
            return true;

    return false;

在循环访问列表时从列表中删除项目并不是一个安全的操作,但 Iterator 类使这成为可能。更多信息:Iterating through a Collection, avoiding ConcurrentModificationException when removing in loop

关于java - BlueJ 如何从数组中获取数据以便与用户输入进行比较,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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