android - 谷歌移动广告和 Kindle Fire

标签 android admob amazon google-play-services

我最近用 Google Mobile Ads 替换了 AdMob 库,对此我有一个疑问:广告会出现在 Amazon Kindle Fire 设备上吗?

我问这个是因为我知道 Google 移动广告依赖于 Google Play 服务,所以我有点困惑。


Google Play Services still supports devices that don't have the Google Play store installed on it. The only difference is that devices without the Play Store (and the accompanied Google Play Services app) on it will not receive automatic updates, so you'll still want to grab new versions of the library provided in Android SDK manager and include them when releasing your app.

如您在上面所见,如果设备上未安装 Google Play 服务,它将回退到您作为库包含在应用中的版本。!topic/google-admob-ads-sdk/obflEHgq_og

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