java - EMS性能问题

标签 java concurrency jms tibco-ems ems


我使用 Tibco EMS 在客户端/服务器之间进行通信。提供了一个客户端库,它包装了客户端逻辑(例如,将数据转换为 EMS 消息等)并将请求发送到请求队列。服务器端处理请求并将响应发送到单独的队列中。这工作得很好。


服务器端使用与 EMS 服务器的单个 EMS 连接。但是,由于 EMS Session 不是线程安全的,如果我希望能够在每个线程中将响应写入 EMS 队列,我必须使用 connectionFactory 为每个线程创建一个 session 。这降低了性能。


是否有任何解决方案允许我同时发送到 EMS 队列而无需创建两个过多的 JMS 对象?


  1. 使用CachedConnectionPool
  2. 以 NON_PERSISTANT 形式发送 JMS 消息
  3. 使用一个 EMS 连接来处理所有请求。



您遇到的行为并非 EMS 特有。该行为由 JMS 规范本身规定。以下是 JMS 规范第 2.8 节的摘录:

There are two reasons for restricting concurrent access to Sessions. First, Sessions are the JMS entity that supports transactions. It is very difficult to implement transactions that are multithreaded. Second, Sessions support asynchronous message consumption. It is important that JMS not require that client code used for asynchronous message consumption be capable of handling multiple, concurrent messages. In addition, if a Session has been set up with multiple, asynchronous consumers, it is important that the client is not forced to handle the case where these separate consumers are concurrently executing. These restrictions make JMS easier to use for typical clients. More sophisticated clients can get the concurrency they desire by using multiple sessions.

如果您想避免创建(和销毁)那么多对象,您可能需要预先创建一个线程池,并预先为每个线程分配一个 session 。

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