java - 在不同线程中运行任务

标签 java multithreading

如何在 M 线程中运行我的任务 N 次?例如,我有一些任务

public static Runnable createTask () {
   Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
     public void run() {               
        System.out.println("simple task");
return runnable;



给你。如果您希望同一任务运行“N”次,则创建同一任务的“N”个 Callable 实例并将其添加到 Callable List 中您将其传递给 invokeAll 方法。

      try {
        List<Callable<Object>> callableList = new ArrayList<Callable<Object>>();
        callableList.add(null); /*Add instance of Callable*/
        callableList.add(null); /*Add instance of Callable*/
        callableList.add(null); /*Add instance of Callable*/

        //Specify how many threads you want or need to operate. Read other methods of Executors which return different instances of ExecutorService
        final ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);

        //This will invoke all your N tasks in specified M threads ...
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

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