java - 传递 Double Vector 或 Array 作为 Neuroph.set Input() 参数

标签 java vector parameter-passing neural-network overloading

我正在研究 Neuroph ANN 框架。在训练神经网络之后,使用以下方法测试新输入(该库是开源的,因此我能够引用我导入的库内的实际实现 1 ):

 * Sets network input. Input is an array of double values.
 * @param inputVector network input as double array
public void setInput(double... inputVector) throws VectorSizeMismatchException {
    if (inputVector.length != inputNeurons.size()) {
        throw new VectorSizeMismatchException("Input vector size does not match network input dimension!");

    int i = 0;
    for (Neuron neuron : this.inputNeurons) {
        neuron.setInput(inputVector[i]); // set input to the coresponding neuron


可悲的是,我在通过参数时遇到了很大的困难。首先,我将成功传递以逗号分隔的每个 Double 值。但后来我的输入大小增加到 400。我尝试将输入作为双 vector 和双数组(盲射)传递,但我收到错误,表明该方法无法使用此类参数解析。


public String predict(String features)
    // load the saved network
    NeuralNetwork neuralNetwork = NeuralNetwork.createFromFile(nnet_path);
    // set network input

    String[] feature_pieces = features.split(" ");

    System.out.println("\nINPUT FEATURES: " + Arrays.toString(feature_pieces));

    Double[] feature_pieces_double = new Double[feature_pieces.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < feature_pieces.length; i++) {
        feature_pieces_double[i] = Double.parseDouble(feature_pieces[i]);


    Vector<Double> features_vector = new Vector<>(Arrays.asList(feature_pieces_double));

    //neuralNetwork.setInput(feature_pieces_double); //TODO

    neuralNetwork.setInput(features_vector); //TODO


仅供引用,here is the javadoc提到此方法的部分。 (奇怪的是,javadoc 没有提及任何有关以 Array 作为输入的重载方法的信息)



你不需要 vector :

double[] feature_pieces_double = new double[feature_pieces.length];

for (int i = 0; i < feature_pieces.length; i++) {
    feature_pieces_double[i] = Double.parseDouble(feature_pieces[i]);


但请确保使用 double 而不是 Double


public void method(double... args)


public void method(double[] args)

(除了 ... 之外,您还可以在方法调用中直接指定用逗号分隔的参数:method(1.0, 2.0)).

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