java - 在 Java 中使用多维数组

标签 java arrays multidimensional-array

我试图向用户展示可供选择的 Wine 菜单。 Wine 类型(雷司令、霞多丽等)有不同的 Wine 品种。我想向用户展示整个 Wine 菜单,然后他们输入 1-4 来指示他们想要哪种类型,这会向他们显示该列的所有行。然后,他们可以键入 1-3 以选择所需的行。我的问题是,我不知道如何为此制定方法。此外,用户最多可以执行 16 次,或者直到他们想退出为止。但这只是一种方法。任何可以提供帮助的人将不胜感激。 (提示)

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class WineCalc{

public static void main(String[] args){

  String[][]wineTypes = {
                        {"Riesling", "Chardonnay", "Sauvignon Blanc", "Merlot"},
                        {"Dry- $4.50", "Apple- $6.00", "Lime-$4.50", "Plum- $5.00"},
                        {"Off Dry-$4.00", "Lemon-$5.50", "Lemongrass- $6.50", "Black Cherry- $7.50"},
                        {"Sweet- $5.00", "Vanilla- $6.00", "Coconut- $7.00", "Chocolate- $6.00"},
  double[][]prices = {
                     {4.50, 6.00, 4.50, 5.00},
                     {4.00, 5.50, 6.50, 7.50},
                     {5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 6.00},

  int[][]counter = {


public static String getWineType(String wineTypes[][]){
  for(i=0; i<wineTypes[0].length;i++){
     for(int j=0; j<wineTypes.length; j++){
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, wineTypes[i][j]);

return wineTypes[][];


您声明您的二维数组很好,但您的方法需要重新设计。您给它一个字符串返回类型但不返回任何内容,请将其更改为 void。


// somewhere before the getWineType() call
int i = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialogue("Enter First number: ")
// if you want to list all the wines in the sub query at this point put a method here to do so
int j = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialogue("Enter Second number: ")
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(wineTypes[i][j]); //this will show the selected wine

至于你列出 Wine 的方法。

public static void listWineTypes(wineTypes[][]) {  //void return
       listarray[][] = wineTypes[][]; 
      for(i=0; i<listarray.length;i++){  //change this
        for(int j=0; j<listarray[i].length; j++){ //and this
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(wineTypes[i][j]); //this will print out each wine in the list.



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