java - 如何更改使用父类(super class)的此方法的输出

标签 java inheritance subclass superclass bluej


Leonardo da Vinci
40 seconds ago - 2 people like this.
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Had a great idea this morning.
But now I forgot what it was. Something to do with flying...


Leonardo da Vinci
Had a great idea this morning.
But now I forgot what it was. Something to do with flying...
40 seconds ago - 2 people like this.
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这两个方法,负责父类(super class)中的部分输出

public String toString()

    String text = username + "\n" + timeString(timestamp);

    if(likes > 0) {
        text+= "  -  " + likes + " people like this.\n";
    else {
        text+= "\n";

    if(comments.isEmpty()) {
        return text + "   No comments.\n";
    else {
        return text + "   " + comments.size() + 
        " comment(s). Click here to view.\n";

public void display()

这就是子类中的两个方法,通过调用上面的父类(super class)来完成输出。

   public String toString()
        return super.toString() + message + "\n";

     * Display the details of this post.
     * (Currently: Print to the text terminal. This is simulating display 
     * in a web browser for now.)
    public void display()



Leonardo da Vinci
Had a great idea this morning.
But now I forgot what it was. Something to do with flying...

40 seconds ago - 2 people like this.
No comments.


Had a great idea this morning.
But now I forgot what it was. Something to do with flying...

以及 super.toString() 的值:

40 seconds ago - 2 people like this.
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您的子类 toString() 返回以下内容:

public String toString()
    return super.toString() + message + "\n";


Leonardo da Vinci
40 seconds ago - 2 people like this.
No comments.


 Had a great idea this morning.
 But now I forgot what it was. Something to do with flying...

你明白为什么要按这个顺序打印吗? 您只需将顺序更改为:

return message + super.toString() + "\n";


并将 super.toString() 中的 username 值打印在变量 message

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