java - 根据主机名加载 Bean

标签 java spring spring-cloud

我正在 Spring boot 中编写服务,这些服务从 Spring cloud 获取配置。这些服务是 Multi-Tenancy 的,租户基于主机名。


public class MyController {
    public MyController(MyServiceFactory factory) {

    ResponseEntity<SomeEntity> getSomeEntity(@RequestHeader header, @PathVariable id) {
        return factory.getMyService(header).handle(id);

MyServiceFactory 看起来像......

public class MyServiceFactory {
    private final HashMap<String, MyService> serviceRegistry = new HashMap<>();
    public MyService getMyService(String key) {
        return serviceRegistry.get(key);

    MyServiceFactory withService(String key, MyService service) {
        this.serviceRegistry.put(key, service);
        return this;



public ServiceFactoryConfiguration {

    public MyServiceFactory getMyServiceFactory() {
        return new MyServiceFactory()
            .withService("client1", new MyService1())
            .withService("client2", new MyService2());

虽然我现在所拥有的可以工作,但我不喜欢我需要为 Controller 可能拥有的每个依赖项创建一个工厂。我想让我的代码看起来像这样......

public class MyController {
    public MyController(MyService service) {

    ResponseEntity<SomeEntity> getSomeEntity(@PathVariable id) {
        return service.handle(id);


public class MyServiceConfiguration() {

    public MyService getMyService1() {
        return new MyService1();

    public MyService getMyService2() {
        return new MyService2();

如果我在应用程序启动时使用配置文件,我可以获得我想要编写的代码。但我希望有许多不同的 DNS 记录指向相同的实例(池),并且让一个实例能够处理不同客户端的请求。我希望能够根据每个请求交换配置文件。



Spring 配置文件在这里没有帮助,每个客户端都需要一个应用程序上下文,而这似乎不是您想要的。

相反,您可以使用作用域 bean。 创建范围为“client”的依赖于客户端的 bean:

@Scope(value="client",proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
MyService myService(){
    //does not really matter, which instance you create here
    //the scope will create the real instance
    //may be you can even return null, did not try that.
    return new MyServiceDummy();

至少有 3 个 MyService 类型的 bean:范围内的 bean,每个客户端一个。 @Primary 注释告诉 spring 始终使用作用域 bean 进行注入(inject)。


public class ClientScope implements Scope {
   BeanFactory beanFactory;

   Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory){
       //we do not use the objectFactory here, instead the beanFactory           
       //you somehow have to know which client is the current
       //from the config, current request, session,  or ThreadLocal..
       String client=findCurrentClient(..);
       //client now is something like 'Client1'

      //check if your cache (HashMap) contains an instance with
      //BeanName = name for the client, if true, return that
      //if not, create a new instance of the bean with the given name 
      //for the current client. Easiest way using a naming convention 
        String clientBeanName=client+'.'+name;
        Object clientBean=BeanFactory.getBean(clientBeanName);
      //put in cache ...
        return clientBean;  

您的客户端特定 bean 的配置如下:

public MyService getMyService1() {
    return new MyService1();

public MyService getMyService2() {
    return new MyService2();


tutorial spring custom scope

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