java - 如何使用jmockit模拟私有(private)类?

标签 java junit junit4 jmockit

public String processName() throws Exception {

    String name = dbManager.getName(); // getname
    String connection = dbManager.getConnection();
    String name2 = dbManager.getName();
    Mydata mydata = new Mydata();
    String getData = mydata.getGetData();
    List<String> list = dbManager.getList();
    return getData.toLowerCase();

private class Mydata {
    String getData = "test";

    public String getGetData() {
        return getData;
    public void setGetData(String getData) {
        this.getData = getData;



但是,如果您正在使用 JMockit 并想要模拟它,那么您可以通过以下方式使用 JMockit 来实现:

Object ins = Deencapsulation.newInnerInstance("Mydata", outerClass.class, (Object[]) null);

我使用了 null 因为您没有在内部私有(private)类上定义任何构造函数。


Object mockit.Deencapsulation.newInnerInstance(String innerClassSimpleName, Object outerClassInstance, Object... nonNullArgs)

The same as newInstance(String, Class[], Object), but for instantiating an inner non-accessible class of some other class, and where all other (if any) initialization arguments are known to be non-null.


innerClassSimpleName: the inner class simple name, that is, the part after the "$" character in its full name

outerClassInstance: the outer class instance to which the inner class instance will belong

nonNullArgs: zero or more non-null parameter values for the invocation; if a null value needs to be passed, the Class object for the corresponding parameter type must be passed instead type to which the returned instance should be assignable

Returns: a newly created instance of the specified inner class, initialized > with the given arguments

Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if a null reference was provided for a parameter

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