java - 在其他类中实现对象参数

标签 java


import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

public class Guitar {

private int strings;
private int chords;

public Guitar(int mstrings, int mchords) {
    this.strings = mstrings;
    this.chords = mchords;

private double[][] song = new double[strings][chords];

public void generateSong() {
    for (int i = 0; i < song.length; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < song[i].length; j++) {
            song[i][j] = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(27.5, 4186);
            System.out.printf(" %.2f",song[i][j]);


行数和列数由命令行参数确定。 args[0] 是行数,args[1] 是列数。我在主方法类中将它们转换为 int 变量

public class Songwriter {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    System.out.println("Guitar(): Generated new guitar with " + args[0] + " strings. Song length is " + args[1] + " chords.");

    String args0 = args[0];
    int strings = Integer.parseInt(args0);
    String args1 = args[1];
    int chords = Integer.parseInt(args1);

    Guitar guitarObj1 = new Guitar(strings, chords);



我的问题在于传递命令行参数的 int 变量以使二维数组具有相应的大小。我知道我的代码并不是完全错误的,当我将字符串和和弦变量设置为 3 和 4 或 Guitar 类本身中的任何值时,表格打印得很好。



private double[][] Song = new double[字符串][和弦];

当您创建 Guitar 类的新对象时,song 数组将使用 stringschords 的值进行初始化那个时候,(很可能)是 0。


private double[][] song;

public Guitar(int mstrings, int mchords) {
    this.strings = mstrings;
    this.chords = mchords;

    song = new double[mstrings][mchords];


It doesn't crash but the only output is the system.out.print in the first line of the main. I believe it's because the strings and chords variables default to 0, making the array 0x0, and I'm failing to change their values

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