android - 如何在不耗尽内存的情况下在 droid 中制作益智应用程序?

标签 android crop puzzle android-bitmap porter-duff

我注意到来自 google play store 的其他拼图应用最多可以有 400 个独立的可移动拼图 block

我一直在尝试学习如何至少拍摄一张能代表我的谜题的图像, 裁剪某些部分并用拼图设计掩盖图像空间,以创建我的个人拼图

我想为我的应用程序最多使用 20 block ,但到目前为止,根据我的 android studio 内存日志,一旦位图工厂完成创建一个拼图 block ,在创建 20 block 拼图后,我用掉了大约 18mb 的内存该应用程序的所有其他功能我正在使用 400+mb 的内存,我必须使用“largeHeap=true”来防止内存不足,但我已经接近超过这些更高的限制,所以该应用程序非常棒缓慢而足够的动画 Activity 将不可避免地导致应用程序崩溃

我很想知道那些其他 Play 商店益智应用在做什么而我没有做


仅供引用,我的图像使用 PNG24,测试图像的尺寸为 556x720


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    this.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);//Remove title bar
    this.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);//Hides notification bar
    this.setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);//set content view AFTER ABOVE sequence (to avoid crash)


    mainDisplay = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
    mainLayout = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;

    DisplayMetrics m = new DisplayMetrics();
    int windowHeight = m.heightPixels;
    int windowWidth = m.widthPixels;

    offsetX = (windowWidth / 1440.0f);
    offsetY = (windowHeight / 2560.0f);

    ourContext = this;

    xpos = new float[2];
    ypos = new float[2];


    bkgdbm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.puzzleimage); 

    paintObject = new Paint();
    paintObject.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.XOR)); 


    thisTimerTask = new ThisClass();
    thisTimer = new Timer();
    thisTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(thisTimerTask, 16, 16);

    touchpad = new ImageButton(this);
    SetPos(0, 0, 1440, 2560);

    touchpad.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {

        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

            if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
                xpos[0] = event.getX(); //storing my finger's position coordinates when I first touch the screen into the 1st element
                ypos[0] = event.getY();

                if ((event.getX() > imgx1) && (event.getX() < imgx1 + imagewidth1)
                        && (event.getY() > imgy1) && (event.getY() < imgy1 + imageheight1)) {
                    touching1Puzzle = true;


            if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {

                xpos[1] = event.getX(); //add my finger's new current coordinates into the 2nd element
                ypos[1] = event.getY();

                if (touching1Puzzle) {

            if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
                if (touching1Puzzle) {
                    touching1Puzzle = false;


            return false;


void bm_PuzzleOne()
    //start of 1st puzzle

    foregdimg1 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.puzzlepieceprac);//puzzle cut out (42.48MB) +6.15
    mutableforegdimg1 = foregdimg1.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true); //(48.32MB) +5.84

    compositeImage1 = Bitmap.createBitmap(mutableforegdimg1);//cuts out foreground info into bkgdimage (54.43MB) +6.11

    imgCanvas1 = new Canvas(compositeImage1); //canvas references puzzle cut out image (54.43MB) +0
    imgCanvas1.drawBitmap(croppedBmp, null, new Rect(0, 0, 1500, 2000), paintObject);//places puzzle image on canvas (54.43MB) +0



void iv_PuzzleOne()
    img1 = new ImageView(ourContext);
    SetPos(imgx1, imgy1, imagewidth1, imageheight1);
    //img1.setBackgroundColor(0xffF07305); //Orange


void adjustImg()
    if (touching1Puzzle)
        if (xpos[1] > xpos[0]) //if the image had slid to the right
            xPositionDifference = xpos[1] - xpos[0]; // find the difference in coordinate value between where my finger was and where it currently is
            imgx1 += xPositionDifference; //add that difference to the current image position ...

            xpos[0] += xPositionDifference; // ... store that difference for the next shift in finger postion

        } else if (xpos[1] < xpos[0]) //if the image had slid to the left
            xPositionDifference = xpos[0] - xpos[1]; // find the difference in coordinate value between where my finger was and where it currently is
            imgx1 -= xPositionDifference; //subtract that difference to the current image position ...

            xpos[0] -= xPositionDifference; // ... store that difference for the next shift in finger postion

        if (ypos[1] > ypos[0]) //if the image had slid to the right
            yPositionDifference = ypos[1] - ypos[0]; // find the difference in coordinate value between where my finger was and where it currently is
            imgy1 += yPositionDifference; //add that difference to the current image position ...

            ypos[0] += yPositionDifference; // ... store that difference for the next shift in finger postion

        } else if (ypos[1] < ypos[0]) //if the image had slid to the left
            yPositionDifference = ypos[0] - ypos[1]; // find the difference in coordinate value between where my finger was and where it currently is
            imgy1 -= yPositionDifference; //subtract that difference to the current image position ...

            ypos[0] -= yPositionDifference; // ... store that difference for the next shift in finger postion



class ThisClass extends TimerTask {

    public void run() {
        MainActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

                {SetPos(imgx1, imgy1, imagewidth1, imageheight1);


public void SetPos(float x, float y, float width, float height) {
    layoutPositioner = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
    layoutPositioner.topMargin = (int) (offsetY * y);
    layoutPositioner.leftMargin = (int) (offsetX * x);
    layoutPositioner.width = (int) (width * offsetX);
    layoutPositioner.height = (int) (height * offsetY);

这是我加载 5 张图片时的样子





To tell the decoder to subsample the image, loading a smaller version into memory, set inSampleSize to true in your BitmapFactory.Options object. For example, an image with resolution 2048x1536 that is decoded with an inSampleSize of 4 produces a bitmap of approximately 512x384. Loading this into memory uses 0.75MB rather than 12MB for the full image (assuming a bitmap configuration of ARGB_8888)

其次,您应该尝试在 AsyncTask 中加载位图以防止应用程序卡住。

第三,您可以使用 LruCache 缓存您的位图以加快速度

private LruCache<String, Bitmap> mMemoryCache;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Get max available VM memory, exceeding this amount will throw an
    // OutOfMemory exception. Stored in kilobytes as LruCache takes an
    // int in its constructor.
    final int maxMemory = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024);

    // Use 1/8th of the available memory for this memory cache.
    final int cacheSize = maxMemory / 8;

    mMemoryCache = new LruCache<String, Bitmap>(cacheSize) {
        protected int sizeOf(String key, Bitmap bitmap) {
            // The cache size will be measured in kilobytes rather than
            // number of items.
            return bitmap.getByteCount() / 1024;

public void addBitmapToMemoryCache(String key, Bitmap bitmap) {
    if (getBitmapFromMemCache(key) == null) {
        mMemoryCache.put(key, bitmap);

public Bitmap getBitmapFromMemCache(String key) {
    return mMemoryCache.get(key);



void bm_PuzzleOne()
    //start of 1st puzzle
    BitmapFactory.Options opt = new BitmapFactory.Options();

    //makes a loaded image mutable
    //reduces density to that of screen
    opt.inTargetDensity = this.context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;

    //makes bitmap half as big

    //foregdimg1 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.puzzlepieceprac);//puzzle cut out (42.48MB) +6.15
    mutableforegdimg1 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.puzzlepieceprac,opt)

    compositeImage1 = Bitmap.createBitmap(mutableforegdimg1);//cuts out foreground info into bkgdimage (54.43MB) +6.11

    imgCanvas1 = new Canvas(compositeImage1); //canvas references puzzle cut out image (54.43MB) +0
    imgCanvas1.drawBitmap(croppedBmp, null, new Rect(0, 0, 1500, 2000), paintObject);//places puzzle image on canvas (54.43MB) +0




void bm_PuzzleOne()
    //start of 1st puzzle

    foregdimg1 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.puzzlepieceprac);//puzzle cut out (42.48MB) +6.15
    mutableforegdimg1 = foregdimg1.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true); //(48.32MB) +5.84

    compositeImage1 = Bitmap.createBitmap(mutableforegdimg1);//cuts out foreground info into bkgdimage (54.43MB) +6.11

    imgCanvas1 = new Canvas(compositeImage1); //canvas references puzzle cut out image (54.43MB) +0
    imgCanvas1.drawBitmap(croppedBmp, null, new Rect(0, 0, 1500, 2000), paintObject);//places puzzle image on canvas (54.43MB) +0



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