将节点添加到 DOM 时使用react的 jQuery 事件(或 hack)

标签 jquery dom

我希望在将元素添加到 DOM 时触发一个事件。我们可以直观地思考一下:

//pick the generic selector of your choice.
//The naive idea is to execute this handler when an element satisfying
//  this selector is added to the DOM.
$('my-tag.my-class:my-pseudo-selector').ready(function() {
    // do initialization for element


$(document).on('ready', 'my-tag.my-selector:my-pseudo-selector', function() {
    // do initialization for every element added to the dom, now and in the future

.ready is only intended to work with document .

当稍后将元素添加到 dom 时,如何才能触发行为(或 hack)?此添加将由异步 javascript 通过以下三种方式之一执行:

  • Ajax .js 响应。
  • 用于 ajax 响应的 JS 处理程序。
  • 调用 .html('<my-tag class="my-class" />') ,或调用 insertBefore , insertAfter , appendTo , append ,...以及类似的调用。




var whatToObserve = {childList: true, attributes: true, subtree: true, attributeOldValue: true, attributeFilter: ['class', 'style']};
var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutationRecords) {
  $.each(mutationRecords, function(index, mutationRecord) {
    if (mutationRecord.type === 'childList') {
      if (mutationRecord.addedNodes.length > 0) {
        //DOM node added, do something
      else if (mutationRecord.removedNodes.length > 0) {
        //DOM node removed, do something
    else if (mutationRecord.type === 'attributes') {
      if (mutationRecord.attributeName === 'class') {
        //class changed, do something
mutationObserver.observe(document.body, whatToObserve);

关于将节点添加到 DOM 时使用react的 jQuery 事件(或 hack),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36585426/


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