Android:Google Maps API 仍然免费吗?

标签 android google-maps


我读到谷歌地图在不久的将来不会免费用于网站 - 这让我想到了用于 Android 开发的谷歌地图 API 是否仍然免费?


对于mobile apps (Android、iOS),目前没有配额:

The Google Earth API, and native Maps APIs for mobile platforms such as Android and iOS are not affected. Use of the embed feature of Google Maps, and other Google products that offer an embed feature that includes a map, are not affected by these limits."

对于其他用例(桌面应用程序、网络服务、网站等),仍然有可用于 map 的免费配额,只有当您超过配额时(并且强制执行) ,你必须付钱。

请查看有关 usage limits in the Google Maps API FAQs 的部分获取详细的最新信息和价格。

来自Google Geo Developers blog :

However no site exceeding these limits will stop working immediately. We understand that developers need time to evaluate their usage, determine if they are affected, and respond if necessary. There are three options available for sites that are exceeding the limits:


We will also provide at least 30 days notice on this blog before enforcement of the usage limits and billing for excess usage begins.


We will then start billing excess usage to your credit card when we begin enforcing the usage limits in early 2012.


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