jquery - jsTree 上下文菜单翻译

标签 jquery jstree

我需要翻译jsTree中的上下文菜单(当你单击右键时会显示),目前我创建了新文件jstree.contextmenu.pl.js并复制粘贴 jquery.jstree.js 中的一些代码并做出了自己的改变。它有效,但我不确定它是不是最好的选择。

    $.jstree.plugin("contextmenu", {
    __init : function () {
            .delegate("a", "contextmenu.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
                    if(!$(e.currentTarget).hasClass("jstree-loading")) {
                        this.show_contextmenu(e.currentTarget, e.pageX, e.pageY);
                }, this))
            .delegate("a", "click.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
                    if(this.data.contextmenu) {
                }, this))
            .bind("destroy.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
                    // TODO: move this to descruct method
                    if(this.data.contextmenu) {
                }, this));
        $(document).bind("context_hide.vakata", $.proxy(function () { this.data.contextmenu = false; }, this));
    defaults : { 
        select_node : false, // requires UI plugin
        show_at_node : true,
        items : { // Could be a function that should return an object like this one
            "create" : {
                "separator_before"  : false,
                "separator_after"   : true,
                "label"             : "Utwórz nowy",
                "action"            : function (obj) { this.create(obj); }
            "rename" : {
                "separator_before"  : false,
                "separator_after"   : false,
                "label"             : "Zmień nazwę",
                "action"            : function (obj) { this.rename(obj); }
            "remove" : {
                "separator_before"  : false,
                "icon"              : false,
                "separator_after"   : false,
                "label"             : "Usuń",
                "action"            : function (obj) { if(this.is_selected(obj)) { this.remove(); } else { this.remove(obj); } }
            "ccp" : {
                "separator_before"  : true,
                "icon"              : false,
                "separator_after"   : false,
                "label"             : "Edytuj",
                "action"            : false,
                "submenu" : { 
                    "cut" : {
                        "separator_before"  : false,
                        "separator_after"   : false,
                        "label"             : "Wytnij",
                        "action"            : function (obj) { this.cut(obj); }
                    "copy" : {
                        "separator_before"  : false,
                        "icon"              : false,
                        "separator_after"   : false,
                        "label"             : "Kopiuj",
                        "action"            : function (obj) { this.copy(obj); }
                    "paste" : {
                        "separator_before"  : false,
                        "icon"              : false,
                        "separator_after"   : false,
                        "label"             : "Wklej",
                        "action"            : function (obj) { this.paste(obj); }
    _fn : {
        show_contextmenu : function (obj, x, y) {
            obj = this._get_node(obj);
            var s = this.get_settings().contextmenu,
                a = obj.children("a:visible:eq(0)"),
                o = false,
                i = false;
            if(s.select_node && this.data.ui && !this.is_selected(obj)) {
                this.select_node(obj, true);
            if(s.show_at_node || typeof x === "undefined" || typeof y === "undefined") {
                o = a.offset();
                x = o.left;
                y = o.top + this.data.core.li_height;
            i = obj.data("jstree") && obj.data("jstree").contextmenu ? obj.data("jstree").contextmenu : s.items;
            if($.isFunction(i)) { i = i.call(this, obj); }
            this.data.contextmenu = true;
            $.vakata.context.show(i, a, x, y, this, obj, this._get_settings().core.rtl);
            if(this.data.themes) { $.vakata.context.cnt.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme + "-context"); }




    'contextmenu': {
        'items': function(n) {
            var tmp = $.jstree.defaults.contextmenu.items();
            tmp.create.label = 'Créer';
            tmp.rename.label = 'Renommer';
            tmp.remove.label = 'Supprimer';
            return tmp;

关于jquery - jsTree 上下文菜单翻译,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16957291/


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