javascript - 如何在层次结构网格中过滤嵌套 Kendo UI 数据源的数据

标签 javascript jquery kendo-ui

如何在层次结构网格中过滤嵌套 Kendo UI 数据源的数据 以下是数据源:

Obj1{"Name":"abc","id":1 ,Obj2 {{"Name":"A1","oid":1},{"Name":"A2","oid":2}}

我需要搜索出现在详细网格中的 Obj2 名称。 请帮忙。


使用您的数据准备 viewModel 和数据源

$(document).ready(function () {
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
    //here define a datasource - i followed your data with improv
    datasource: new{
        data: [{
            name: 'abc',
            id: 1,
            obj2: [{
                name: 'a1',
                oid: 1
            }, {
                name: 'b1',
                oid: 2
            }, {
                name: 'c1',
                oid: 3
        }, {
            name: 'def',
            id: 4,
            obj2: [{
                name: 'd1',
                oid: 4
            }, {
                name: 'e1',
                oid: 5
        }, {
            name: 'ghi',
            id: 3,
            obj2: [{
                name: 'g1',
                oid: 6
            }, {
                name: 'h1',
                oid: 7
    //define the function when we want to click the expand button
    detail: function (e) {
        //bind it now

//1 st bind container with the kendo observable
kendo.bind('#container', viewModel);

//grab the grid and bind its 'detailInit' event with our 'detail' function
var grid = $('#grid').getKendoGrid();
grid.bind('detailInit', viewModel.detail);


并准备 html 网格和详细网格的模板

<div id="container">
    <div id="grid" data-role="grid" data-bind="source: datasource" data-detail-template="child-template" data-columns="[
            { field: 'name' },
            { field: 'id' },
<script id="child-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
    <div data-role = "grid"
    data-bind = "source: obj2"
    data-columns = "[
    { field: 'name' },
    { field: 'oid' }
    ]"> </div>

最后这是 jsfiddle还有这个tutorial教我怎么做

编辑:我在每个详细网格的顶部添加了一个下拉菜单,这样您就可以从那里过滤它们,这是 jsfiddle

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