javascript - 来自 Chrome 扩展程序的多个 Web 服务调用

标签 javascript jquery google-chrome-extension

我正在使用 JQuery 2.2.0 编写我的第一个 JavaScript Chrome 扩展,它基本上获取当前 URL 并轮询一些不同的 Web 服务以查看它们是否有 URL 记录。如果存在,我会在 DOM 中添加一个文本链接。这是一个简化的工作版本:

// Does the provided URL exist?
function url_exists(url) {
    var h = new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD', url, false);
    return h.status!=404;

// Display a link to the database record URL in the DOM
function display_database_link(url) {
  $('body').prepend('<a href="' + url + '">Link</a>');

// Get the current URL
var url             = window.location.href;
var database_number = 0;

// See if this URL exists in one of our databases via the API

// Does the URL exist in database 1?
if (url_exists("" + url)) {
  database_number = 1;

// Does the URL exist in database 2?
else if (url_exists("" + url)) {
  database_number = 2;

if (database_number > 0) {
  display_database_link("https://api.database" +  database_number + ".com/urls/" + url))


  1. 有一种方法可以同时多次调用 url_exists,并且

  2. 是否有办法异步执行此操作。



有几个很棒的 es2015 功能可以让这一切变得美好而简单:fetchpromises 。您必须进行一些调整,但类似这样的操作应该可行。

// Array of API endpoints to to make requests to
let url = window.location.href;
let database_urls = ["", ""];

// Promise.all will take an array of promises and perform all of them, and `then` process all results at the end
Promise.all( =>
  // Make an HTTP request to the endpoint, and `then` get the status code from the response
  fetch(database_url + url).then(response => response.status)
// Once `all` promises are resolved, `then` iterate over the resulting statuses
)).then(statuses => {
  // Reduce `statuses` to a count of how many are not 404s
  let existCount = statuses.reduce((prev, curr) => {return curr == 404 ? prev : prev + 1}, 0);
  // Call method to display link if existsCount is > 0

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