java - 我可以在 Java 中覆盖和重载静态方法吗?

标签 java static overloading overriding


  1. 为什么不能在 Java 中覆盖静态方法?
  2. Java 中可以重载静态方法吗?




查看一个简洁的示例 here .

还有 this是解释 覆盖 实例方法和 隐藏 类(静态)方法之间区别的 java 文档。

Overriding: Overriding in Java simply means that the particular method would be called based on the run time type of the object and not on the compile time type of it (which is the case with overriden static methods)

Hiding: Parent class methods that are static are not part of a child class (although they are accessible), so there is no question of overriding it. Even if you add another static method in a subclass, identical to the one in its parent class, this subclass static method is unique and distinct from the static method in its parent class.

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