jquery - 如何分别克隆父级的每个 div

标签 jquery

目标是将 a 标签克隆到我的代码片段。问题是,所有克隆的元素都位于同一个 div 中,而不是它们各自的 div 中。

我尝试循环它们,但每个克隆都位于同一个 div 上。

<div class="product_image_wrapper">
    <a href="socks.html">
    <img src="socks.jpg">
    <div class="mysnippet"> // The objective here is that while we hover image above, then 'view product' will be shown. If user click, it will redirect to that a link. 
        <div class="myview">
            <a href="#">View product</a> // The a tag with socks.html should be cloned here

<div class="product_image_wrapper">
    <a href="jean.html">
    <img src="jean.jpg">
    <div class="mysnippet"> // Likewise this mysnippet should clone only the a tag that's it's under. 
        <div class="myview">
            <a href="#">View product</a> // The a tag with jean.html should be cloned here

<div class="product_image_wrapper">
    <a href="socks.html">
    <img src="socks.jpg">
    <div class="mysnippet"> 
        <div class="myview">
            <a href="#">View product</a>
            <a href="socks.html"><img src="socks.jpg"></a>

<div class="product_image_wrapper">
    <a href="jean.html">
    <img src="jean.jpg">
    <div class="mysnippet"> 
        <div class="myview">
            <a href="#">View product</a>
            <a href="jean.html"><img src="jean.jpg"></a>


你的范围是错误的。您创建所有 .product_image_wrapper a 的克隆,并将其放入第一个 .myview 中。但我认为您想将其放入您克隆的 a 旁边的 .myview 中,对吗?


$('.product_image_wrapper a').each(function (e) { 
  // clone the element
  var clone = $(this).clone(); 
  // get the parent wrapper
  var wrapper = $(e).closest('.product_image_wrapper');
  // get myview
  var myview = wrapper.find('.myview');
  // prepend the clone


// don't pick the "a" but the parent "product_image_wrapper"
$('.product_image_wrapper').each(function (e) { 
  // clone the element
  var clone = $(this).find('a').clone(); 
  // get myview
  var myview = $(e).find('.myview');
  // prepend the clone


关于jquery - 如何分别克隆父级的每个 div,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57847893/


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