jquery - 在 jQuery 中实时查找

标签 jquery find live

我使用 jQuery 中的 find 方法来查找页面上的特定框。

我还有其他按钮可以创建新框而无需刷新页面。 find 找不到这些新框,这是一个问题。



但我也在考虑如何实现 live 方法。或者我应该使用 on 或其他?这种实时更新的东西很难。



function addImg( new_item_id, img ){


        var img = //how ever you find this image...

        //some ajax call
            // what ever options you have for url, data etc etc.
            success: function(response){ // assuming response is just the markup
                var $el = $(response);
                $('#content').append($el); // how ever you add this content - its probably NOT #content but you'll know that...
                var img = //how ever you find this image...
                addImg( $el.attr('id'), img );

function addImg( new_item_id, img ){

编辑 - 而不是让函数找到元素,只需将其传递进去...

        var img = //how ever you find this image...

        //some ajax call
            // what ever options you have for url, data etc etc.
            success: function(response){ // assuming response is just the markup
                var $el = $(response);
                $('#content').append($el); // how ever you add this content - its probably NOT #content but you'll know that...
                var img = //how ever you find this image...
                addImg( $el, img );

function addImg( $newEle, img ){

关于jquery - 在 jQuery 中实时查找,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15407632/


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