jquery - 将两个单独的ajax Post请求结果添加在一起

标签 jquery ajax

我有两个单独的 Ajax Post 请求需要添加在一起,它们都链接到货币兑换源,它基本上是从不同货币转换而来的两个值,然后需要在两者都转换为一个后添加在一起货币,我用相同的货币获得了它们,不,我只需要将两个结果加在一起即可得到最终总计。


    var dataString = "amount=" + entireTotal + "&from=" + from + "&to=" + to;
        //Lets Get the exchange rates from our total
       type: "POST",
       url: "http://fileserver/website/modules/mod_calculation/js/currency.php",
       data: dataString,
       success: function(data){
        //Put received response into result div

var dataString = "amount=" + amountGel + "&from=" + fromGel + "&to=" + toGel;
       type: "POST",
       url: "http://fileserver/website/modules/mod_calculation/js/currencygel.php",
       data:  dataString,
       success: function(data){
         //Show results div
        //Put received response into result div



var request1 = $.ajax({ ... }),
    request2 = $.ajax({ ... });

$.when(request1, request2).then(function(response1, response2) { ... })


与您需要的类似的小抽象示例(抱歉,没有足够的时间在那里创建 ajax 请求,但它们的行为完全相同):http://jsfiddle.net/Y26zd/

关于jquery - 将两个单独的ajax Post请求结果添加在一起,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12671348/


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