php - jQuery 验证器远程方法

标签 php jquery jquery-validate

我正在使用远程验证方法,并对 的以下部分有疑问.

响应被评估为 JSON,并且对于有效元素必须为 true,对于无效元素可以为任何 false、未定义或 null,使用默认消息;或字符串,例如。错误消息显示为“该名称已被占用,请尝试 peter123”。

如果服务器echo('custom error');,则没有通过验证,但不显示错误。为什么不呢?

如果服务器执行 echo(null);echo(false);,或者根本没有回显,则客户端似乎不会得到响应,它没有通过验证,并且不显示默认消息。它不应该显示默认消息吗?同样,如果服务器执行 echo('undefined');,客户端会收到“undefined”,但不会显示默认消息。


  header('Content-Type: text/plain;');

  //The following passes validation

  //The following results in the client receiving 1, and "1" is displayed as error

  //The following will trigger the default message

  //The following results in no ajax response to client, and no message is displayed.
  //Doesn't this result in client getting undefined which should display the default message
  //no echo at all

  //Client receives "undefined", but it doesn't display the default message.  Shouldn't it?

  //Client receives "custom error", but it doesn't display this text.  Shouldn't it?
  echo('custom error');


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
                var validator=$("#myForm").validate({
                    rules: {
                        bla: {
                            remote: {url:"validate.php",type:'get',data:{a:1,b:2,c:3}}
                            //remote: "validate.php"
                    messages: {
                        bla: {
                            remote:"default message"

        <form id="myForm" method="post">
            <input name="bla" id="bla" value="">
            <input type="submit" value="submit">


"If the server echo('custom error');, it does not pass validation, but the error is not displayed. Why not?"

因为您需要将服务器响应作为 JSON 字符串发送回来;不是常规字符串,也不是 bool 值。

echo json_encode('this is going to be the error message');


echo json_encode('true');


echo json_encode('false');


echo 'true'  // pass
echo 'false' // fail using default message


echo 'custom message';

//The following results in the client receiving 1, and "1" is displayed as error [snip] ....


"The response is evaluated as JSON and must be... any false, undefined or null for invalid elements"

任何不被解释为包含“true”的字符串的内容都将无法通过验证。 由于您没有将这些响应作为 JSON 进行回显,因此您的各种错误消息被证明是非常不可预测的。

是的,我同意文档中的 JSON 措辞有点含糊。 “评估为 JSON” 似乎暗示插件正在执行转换。不是这种情况。服务器响应在评估时必须已经是 JSON。


GET 已经是 remote 方法的默认值,不需要指定。


我创建了一个pull request将文档更改为:

The serverside response must be a JSON string that must be "true" for valid elements, and can be "false", undefined, or null for invalid elements, using the default error message. If the serverside response is a string, eg. "That name is already taken, try peter123 instead", this string will be displayed as a custom error message in place of the default.

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