javascript - 如何使用 JQuery 选择特定的 HTML 片段?

标签 javascript jquery html

我这段代码的目标是,当单击其中一个 Twig 时,它将单击的 ^^ 更改为 O 使用 JQuery 和 Javascript(这是学校作业)。例如,如果我单击最上面的 ^ ,它会将 ^ 替换为 O,或者如果我单击最左边的 ^ 在第二行中,它将把 ^ 更改为 O 等。我想尝试保持它相当简单,只添加到我已经拥有现有代码,而不是全部替换。我是 Javascript 和 JQuery 编码的初学者,所以请避免使用 super 高级的策略。非常感谢。


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Insert title here</title>
  <h1>Welcome to the Holiday Tree Simulator</h1>
   <li> Click a green branch (<font color=green>^</font>) to change it into a red ornament
   <li> Click a red ornament (<font color=red>O</font>) to turn it into an unlit light (only when power is off)
   <li> Click an unlit light (<font color=gray>*</font>) to turn it into a green branch (only when power is off)
 <div id=treeArea align=center style="font-family: Courier">
  <font id=treeBranches style="font-family: Courier" color="green"></font>
  <font id=treeTrunk style="font-family: Courier" color="brown"></font>
Tree Size:<input type=text id=treeSize></input>
Trunk Size:<input type=text id=trunkSize></input>
<button id=new>New Tree</button><br>
Power: <span id=powerVal>OFF</span>
<button id=power>Toggle Power</button>
   <script src= type=text/javascript></script>
   <script type=text/javascript>
var treeSize = 8;
var trunkSize = 3;
for (var row=1 ; row<=treeSize ; row++){
	for (var col=1 ; col<=row ; col++)
for (var trunkrow=1 ; trunkrow<=trunkSize ; trunkrow++){
	for (var trunkcol=1 ; trunkcol<=2 ; trunkcol++)
//////////new tree//////////
$("#new").click(function newTree(){
	treeSize = document.getElementById("treeSize").value;
	trunkSize = document.getElementById("trunkSize").value;
	for (var row=1 ; row<=treeSize ; row++){
		for (var col=1 ; col<=row ; col++)
	for (var trunkrow=1 ; trunkrow<=trunkSize ; trunkrow++){
		for (var trunkcol=1 ; trunkcol<=2 ; trunkcol++)
///////////change ornament/////////////
$("#treeBranches").click(function changeOrnament(){
///////////run newTree command////////////////
///////////run newTree command////////////////


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Insert title here</title>

<h1>Welcome to the Holiday Tree Simulator</h1>
  <li> Click a green branch (<font color=green>^</font>) to change it into a red ornament
  <li> Click a red ornament (<font color=red>O</font>) to turn it into an unlit light (only when power is off)
  <li> Click an unlit light (<font color=gray>*</font>) to turn it into a green branch (only when power is off)


<div id=treeArea align=center style="font-family: Courier">
<font id=treeBranches style="font-family: Courier" color="green"></font>
<font id=treeTrunk style="font-family: Courier" color="brown"></font>


Tree Size:<input type=text id=treeSize></input>
Trunk Size:<input type=text id=trunkSize></input>
<button id=new>New Tree</button><br>
Power: <span id=powerVal>OFF</span>
<button id=power>Toggle Power</button>

<script src="" type=text/javascript></script>

<script type=text/javascript>
var treeSize = 8;
var trunkSize = 3;
for (var row=1 ; row<=treeSize ; row++)
	for (var col=1 ; col<=row ; col++)
		$("#treeBranches").append("<font class='branches'>^</font>");
for (var trunkrow=1 ; trunkrow<=trunkSize ; trunkrow++)
	for (var trunkcol=1 ; trunkcol<=2 ; trunkcol++)
///////////change ornament/////////////
function changeOrnament()
	if ($(this).html()=="^")
	else if ($(this).html()=="O" && power==0)
	else if ($(this).html()=="*" && power==0)
//////////new tree//////////
function newTree()
	treeSize = document.getElementById("treeSize").value;
	trunkSize = document.getElementById("trunkSize").value;
	for (var row=1 ; row<=treeSize ; row++)
		for (var col=1 ; col<=row ; col++)
			$("#treeBranches").append("<font class='new_branches'>^</font>");
	for (var trunkrow=1 ; trunkrow<=trunkSize ; trunkrow++)
		for (var trunkcol=1 ; trunkcol<=2 ; trunkcol++)
var power=0;
function powerToggle()
	if (power==0)
///////////run newTree command////////////////
///////////run newTree command////////////////






    $("#treeBranches").append('<span class="leaf">^</span>');



    ///////////change ornament/////////////
    $(document).on('click','.leaf', function() {
    ///////////run newTree command////////////////

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