jquery - 评估orientationEvent并设置一个值?

标签 jquery orientation screen-orientation device-orientation

如果在方向发生变化时触发 onChange 函数,如何在 onChange 中设置一个值来更新 jquery 选择器。例如:

    var onChanged = function() {
            if(window.orientation == 90 || window.orientation == -90){
                image = '<img src="images/land_100.png">';
                image = '<img src="images/port_100.png">';
        $(window).bind(orientationEvent, onChanged).bind('load', onChanged);
        $('#bgImage').html(image); //won't update image


您需要将对图像的更新放入 onChanged 函数中,以便每次方向更改时,图像 HTML 都会更改。


   // The event for orientation change
   var onChanged = function() {

      // The orientation
      var orientation = window.orientation,

      // If landscape, then use "land" otherwise use "port"
      image = orientation == 90 || orientation == -90 ? "land" : "port";

      // Insert the image
      $('#bgImage').html('<img src="images/'+image+'_100.png">');


   // Bind the orientation change event and bind onLoad
   $(window).bind(orientationEvent, onChanged).bind('load', onChanged);


关于jquery - 评估orientationEvent并设置一个值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5195247/


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