单击图像时显示大图像的 jQuery 单击事件

标签 jquery

我在 jQuery 中编写了以下代码,以便让单击的图像显示在另一个位置但更大。只需要修改 jquery 代码。我知道我犯了一些错误,但调试后看不到哪里。还有一个按钮检查图像是否被单击,并在满足条件时显示文本。


<div id="question">
    <h2>jQuery Vacation Images</h2>
    <p>What is your first name?
    <input type="text" id="firstname" size="30">

<div id="vacationimages">
    <p>Click on the Image that best represents the kind of vacation you want</p>
    <p><img src="mountain.jpg" alt="Mountain Vacation"><br /><br /></p>
    <p><img src="desert.jpg" alt="Desert Vacation"><br /><br /></p>
    <p><img src="ocean.jpg" alt="Ocean Vacation"><br /><br /></p>

<div id="bigimage">
    <img id="currentimage" src="ocean.jpg" alt="ocean vacation" width="300" height="225" border="0">
    <p id="imagedesc"></p>

<div id="showhidebuttondiv">
    <input id="showhidebutton" type="button" value="Hide Image">

<div id="submitdiv">
    <input id="submitme" type="button" value="Submit ME">
    <p id="mymessage"></p>


$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#vacationimages img").click(function()  {
        var changeSrc = $(this).attr("src");
        var changeAlt = $(this).attr("alt");
            $("#currentimg").attr("src", changeSrc); //code to show large clicked image on the right
            $("#imagedesc").text(changeAlt);        //code to show alt under the large image in text
    }); //end of vacation mouse click verification

    $("#submitme").click(function () {
        $("#question span").text("");
        var myname = $("#firstname").val();
          if (myname == '')  {
            $("#question span").text("Must enter first name");
        $("#vacationimages img").click(function()  {
            var changeAlt = $(this).attr("alt");
            $(this).data('clicked', true);
            if (myname !== "" || $("#vacationimages img").data('clicked'))
                $("#mymessage").text(myname + " you want a " + changeAlt + " vacation"); //if image clicked and name is set this message will show under the "Submit Me" button
        }) //end of Name Verification for empty field

    })   //end of Submit Me button handler



看看这个 DEMO ,在这里我用固定的解决方案更新了你的 jsFiddle 。我对你的源代码做了一些修改,你看一下:

$("#vacationimages img").click(function () {
    var changeSrc = $(this).attr("src");
    var changeAlt = $(this).attr("alt");
    $("#bigimage img").attr("src", changeSrc); //code to show large clicked image on the right
    $("#imagedesc").text(changeAlt);        //code to show alt under the large image in text
    var changeAlt = $(this).attr("alt");
    $(this).data('clicked', true);
    var myname = $("#firstname").val();
    if (myname !== "" || $("#vacationimages img").data('clicked')) {
        $("#mymessage").text(myname + " you want a " + changeAlt + " vacation"); //if image clicked and name is set this message will show under the "Submit Me" button
}); //end of vacation mouse click verification
$("#submitme").click(function () {
    $("#question span").text("");
    var myname = $("#firstname").val();
    if (myname == '') {
        $("#question span").text("Must enter first name");


关于单击图像时显示大图像的 jQuery 单击事件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16290455/


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