javascript - 如何动态/响应式更改 jQuery 日期选择器的月数

标签 javascript jquery dynamic responsive-design datepicker


我有一个 jQuery Datepicker,我在其上设置了参数 numberOfMonths: 2

如果屏幕大小低于某个数字(例如 768px),我希望它为 1。我尝试过:

    if($(window).width() < 768){
            numberOfMonths: 1





首先,Here's a working Fiddle


// "No-conflict" jQuery document ready, to ensure doesn't collide with other libraries
jQuery(function($) {
  // The initial datepicker load
    numberOfMonths: 3

  // We're going to "debounce" the resize, to prevent the datePicker
  // from being called a thousand times.  This will help performance
  // and ensure the datepicker change is only called once (ideally)
  // when the resize is OVER
  var debounce;
  // Your window resize function
  $(window).resize(function() {
    // Clear the last timeout we set up.
    // Your if statement
    if ($(window).width() < 768) {
      // Assign the debounce to a small timeout to "wait" until resize is over
      debounce = setTimeout(function() {
        // Here we're calling with the number of months you want - 1
      }, 250);
    // Presumably you want it to go BACK to 2 or 3 months if big enough
    // So set up an "else" condition
    } else {
      debounce = setTimeout(function() {
        // Here we're calling with the number of months you want - 3?
      }, 250);
  // To be sure it's the right size on load, chain a "trigger" to the
  // window resize to cause the above code to run onload

  // our function we call to resize the datepicker
  function debounceDatepicker(no) {
    $("#datepicker").datepicker("option", "numberOfMonths", no);


如果您不熟悉“Debounce”的概念,see this article 。这个概念是防止代码在事件的每个实例上运行。在这种情况下,调整大小 500 像素可能会触发“调整大小”事件数百次,如果我们不“反跳”,则日期选择器函数将被调用数百次。显然我们并不关心对 datepicker 的所有“临时”调用,我们实际上只关心最后一个调用,它是由最后一个调整大小事件触发的,它应该反射(reflect)用户停止的最终大小。

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