Jquery 验证插件验证日期,例如 20/8/2013 Safari Bug?

标签 jquery regex validation safari jquery-validate

我使用 Jquery Validation 插件并验证事件日期,如

       date: true

date format is like "23/August/2013" ('dd/MM/yy')

但是代码在 Safari 上失败,在 Fx、chrome、opera 上效果更好...

is it a Safari Bug or a Jquery Validation plugin bug ?

我知道 Jquery Validation 插件支持自定义验证,例如

$.validator.addMethod("customdateValidateRule", function(value, element) 
return _isvalidResult;

我试过Custom date format with jQuery validation plugin 但没有帮助,因为它在 dd/mm/yyyy 中不适合 ('dd/MM/yy') ,而是“23/August/”的正则表达式2013”​​我不知道!


1) 我使用 Datepicker(JqueryUi) 来选择日期
2) 我正在使用 Jquery 验证插件(最新),它将验证很多日期格式,它还会验证“23/August/2013”​​(我假设),但是当我在 Safari 中测试它时,它显示无效在 FX、Chrome、Opera 中显示“有效”..


问题是因为 Safari 无法正确处理格式。 JQuery 验证插件工具无法验证此格式(仅发生在 ChromeSafari 中)。要解决此问题,请修改验证插件。

如果您希望针对 dd/mm/yy 进行自定义,您可以这样做。

   function(value, element) {
      return value.match(/^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2}$/);
      "Input a date format of dd/mm/yy:"


       rules : {
        myDate : {
          customdateValidateRule : true


var isdate = function(value) {
    var isvalid = /^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{2})?$/;   
    return isvalid.test(value);

   function(value, element) {
      return isdate(value);



要验证 2013 年 8 月 23 日 的具体日期,您有几个选项。




^              the beginning of the string
 \d{1,2}       digits (0-9) (between 1 and 2 times)
  \/           look for and match '/'
   \b          the boundary between a word char (\w)
    [a-zA-Z]+  any character of: 'a' to 'z', 'A' to 'Z' (1 or more times)
  \/           look for and match '/'
  \d{4}        digits (0-9) (4 times)
$              before an optional \n, and the end of the string




^                     the beginning of the string
 \d{1,2}              digits (0-9) (between 1 and 2 times)
  \/                  look for and match '/'
   \b                 the boundary between a word char (\w)
    (?:               group, but do not capture:
     Jan(?:uary)?|    'Jan', group but don't capture optional 'uary', OR
     Feb(?:ruary)?|   'Feb', group but don't capture optional 'ruary', OR
     Mar(?:ch)?|      'Mar', group but don't capture optional 'ch', OR
     Apr(?:il)?|      'Apr', group but don't capture optional 'il', OR
     May|             'May', OR
     Jun(?:e)?|       'Jun', group but don't capture optional 'e', OR
     Jul(?:y)?|       'Jul', group but don't capture optional 'y', OR
     Aug(?:ust)?|     'Aug', group but don't capture optional 'ust', OR
     Sept?|           'Sep', 't' optional, OR
     September|       'September', OR
     Oct(?:ober)?|    'Oct', group but don't capture optional 'ober', OR
     Nov(?:ember)?|   'Nov', group but don't capture optional 'ember', OR
     Dec(?:ember)?    'Dec', group but don't capture optional 'ember'
    )                 end of grouping
     \/               look for and match '/'
      \d{4}           digits (0-9) (4 times)
$                     before an optional \n, and the end of the string

关于Jquery 验证插件验证日期,例如 20/8/2013 Safari Bug?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18426225/


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