jquery - 如何在@Url.Action中传递动态值?

标签 jquery asp.net-mvc-4 url.action

我在我的部分 View 中编写了以下 jquery:

        type: "POST",
        url: '@Url.Action("PostActionName", "ControllerName")',
        data: { Id: "01" },
        success: function(data)
            if (data.success="true")
                    window.location = '@Url.Action("GetActionName", "ControllerName")'

Action 名称和 Controller 名称不是固定的,它们必然会根据放置此部分 View 的 View 而变化。我有函数来获取调用操作和 Controller 名称,但不确定如何在 @Url.Action 中传递它们。

以下是用于获取操作和 Controller 名称的 Javascript 函数:

function ControllerName() {
            var pathComponents = window.location.pathname.split('/');
            var controllerName;
            if (pathComponents.length >= 2) {
                if (pathComponents[0] != '') {
                    controllerName = pathComponents[0];
                else {
                    controllerName = pathComponents[1];
            return controllerName;

        function ActionName() {
            var pathComponents = window.location.pathname.split('/');
            var actionName;
            if (pathComponents.length >= 2) {
                if (pathComponents[0] != '') {
                    actionName = pathComponents[1];
                else {
                    actionName = pathComponents[2];
            return actionName;            


I have functions to fetch invoking action and controller names, but not sure how I can pass them in @Url.Action

嗯,你可以调用这些函数。例如,如果它们是 UrlHelper 类的扩展方法:

window.location = '@Url.Action(Url.MyFunction1(), Url.MyFunction2())'


window.location = '@Url.Action(SomeClass.MyFunction1(), SomeClass.MyFunction2())'


var param = 'some dynamic value known on the client';
var url = '@Url.Action("SomeAction", "SomeController", new { someParam = "__param__" })';
window.location.href = url.replace('__param__', encodeURIComponent(param));


看来您只是想获取当前的 Controller 和操作,可以这样实现:

    string currentAction = Html.ViewContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");
    string currentController = Html.ViewContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("controller");


window.location.href = '@Url.Action(currentAction, currentController)';

关于jquery - 如何在@Url.Action中传递动态值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16052704/


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