jquery Event.stopPropagation() 似乎不起作用

标签 jquery events

我完全错过了它应该做什么吗?我希望如果我在某个事件上调用 stopPropagation() ,该事件的处理程序将不会在祖先元素上触发,但下面的示例不会以这种方式工作(至少在 FireFox 3 中)..

<script type="text/javascript">
    $("input").live("click", function(event){
        console.log("input click handler called")

    $("body").live("click", function(event){
        console.log("body was click handler called. event.isPropagationStopped() returns: " + event.isPropagationStopped());



    <input type="text" >


实时事件不遵循相同的事件冒泡规则。请参阅 live event handling 上的文档.


Live events do not bubble in the traditional manner and cannot be stopped using stopPropagation or stopImmediatePropagation. For example, take the case of two click events - one bound to "li" and another "li a". Should a click occur on the inner anchor BOTH events will be triggered. This is because when a $("li").bind("click", fn); is bound you're actually saying "Whenever a click event occurs on an LI element - or inside an LI element - trigger this click event." To stop further processing for a live event, fn must return false.

关于jquery Event.stopPropagation() 似乎不起作用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1122375/


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