android - 带命名空间的 Firebase 远程配置

标签 android firebase namespaces firebase-remote-config

Firebase API for RemoteConfig有几种按命名空间分配配置值的方法,例如 (setDefaults(R.xml.rc_defaults, "Namespace"))。在 Android 上按 namespace 分隔配置值方面我已经做到了这一点,但如何在 Firebase 控制台上按 namespace 设置这些值以进行远程更新?

Where is the Namespace assigned?


我和你遇到了同样的问题。 所以,我问了谷歌 Firebase 团队。


Hi there, Sorry for the late reply. Currently we don't have any custom namespace feature available. However, we are aware of the use case and we are actively working on it but I can't share any timelines at the moment.

Keep an eye out on our release notes for any further updates.

Let me know if you have any other questions.



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