iphone - 自动将所有方法放入.h文件中

标签 iphone objective-c methods

在实现文件 (.m) 中,我有 30.. 方法。如何将它们的描述(全部)自动放入 .h 文件中?


接缝很难用正则表达式正确完成,但你可以用 awk 完成:


#!/usr/bin/env awk -f
# print class and instance methods declarations from implementation
# Usage: ./printmethods.awk class.m or awk -f printmethods.awk class.m

/^[[:space:]]*@implementation/ {
  implementation = 1;

/^[[:space:]]*@end/ {
  implementation = 0;

/^[[:space:]]*[\-\+]/ {
  if(implementation) {
    method = 1;
    collect = "";

/[^[:space:]]/ {
  if(implementation && method) {
    p = index($0, "{");
    if(p == 0) {
      if(collect == "")
        collect = $0
        collect = collect $0 "\n";
    } else {
      method = 0;
      # trim white space and "{" from line end
      gsub("[\{[:space:]]*$", "", $0);
      collect = collect $0;
      # trim white space from start
      gsub("^[[:space:]]*", "", collect);
      print collect ";"

关于iphone - 自动将所有方法放入.h文件中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9192431/


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