iphone - NSArray 排序和隔离

标签 iphone uitableview sorting nsmutablearray nsarray

我有一个 NSArray 名称,我想将它们按字母顺序排序到 UITableView 中并将它们分成几个部分。

我在顶部有一个标记部分,即第 0 部分。我希望名称按字母顺序排序在后面。因此,所有以 A 开头的名称都会放入第 1 部分,B 会放入第 2 部分,依此类推。




下面是 NSArray 上的类别进行分组的方法:

@interface NSArray (Grouping)
- (NSArray*) groupUsingFunction: (id (*)(id, void*)) function context: (void*) context;

@implementation NSArray (Grouping)
- (NSArray*) groupUsingFunction: (id (*)(id, void*)) function context: (void*) context
    NSArray* groupedArray = nil;

    NSMutableDictionary* dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary new];
    if (dictionary != nil)
        for (id item in self)
            id key = function(item, context);
            if (key != nil)
                NSMutableArray* array = [dictionary objectForKey: key];
                if (array == nil) {
                    array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject: item];
                    if (array != nil) {
                        [dictionary setObject: array forKey: key];
                } else {
                    [array addObject: item];

        groupedArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [dictionary allValues]];
        [dictionary release];

    return groupedArray;


id GroupNameByFirstLetter(NSString* object, void* context)
    return [object substringToIndex: 1];

NSInteger SortGroupedNamesByFirstLetter(id left, id right, void* context)
    return [[left objectAtIndex: 0] characterAtIndex: 0] - [[right objectAtIndex: 0] characterAtIndex: 0];

NSMutableArray* names = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Stefan", @"John", @"Alex",
    @"Sue", @"Aura", @"Mikki", @"Michael", @"Joe", @"Steve", @"Mac", @"Fred",
    @"Faye", @"Paul", nil];

// Group the names and then sort the groups and the contents of the groups.

groupedNames_ = [[names groupUsingFunction: GroupNameByFirstLetter context: nil] retain];

[groupedNames_ sortUsingFunction: SortGroupedNamesByFirstLetter context: nil];

for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [groupedNames_ count]; i++) {
    [[groupedNames_ objectAtIndex: i] sortUsingSelector: @selector(compare:)];

关于iphone - NSArray 排序和隔离,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2127315/


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