iphone - iPhone 中加速度计的最大采样率

标签 iphone ios4 accelerometer uiaccelerometer

有人知道iphone加速度计的最大采样率是多少吗? 我想要有高更新率。我将其 updateInterval 设置为 1.0/300.0 但似乎我没有得到那么多的更新率。



iPhone 6 上的最大加速度计和陀螺仪采样率为100Hz。您可以自己凭经验进行测试。这是代码。

// First create and initialize two NSMutableArrays. One for accel data and one
// for gyro data. Then create and initialize CMMotionManager.  Finally,
// call this function

- (void) TestRawSensors
   speedTest = 0.0001; // Lets try 10,000Hz
   motionManager.accelerometerUpdateInterval = speedTest;
   motionManager.gyroUpdateInterval = speedTest;

    [motionManager startAccelerometerUpdatesToQueue: [NSOperationQueue currentQueue]
    withHandler: ^(CMAccelerometerData  *accelerometerData, NSError *error)
       [rawAccelSpeedTest addObject: [NSNumber numberWithDouble: accelerometerData.timestamp]];
       [rawAccelSpeedTest addObject: [NSNumber numberWithDouble: accelerometerData.acceleration.x]];

       if (error)
          NSLog(@"%@", error);

       if (rawAccelSpeedTest.count > 100)
          [motionManager stopAccelerometerUpdates];

          for (uint16_t i = 0; i < rawAccelSpeedTest.count; i+=2)
             NSLog(@"Time: %f   Accel: %f", [rawAccelSpeedTest[i] doubleValue],
                                            [rawAccelSpeedTest[i+1] doubleValue]);

   [motionManager startGyroUpdatesToQueue: [NSOperationQueue currentQueue]
                              withHandler: ^(CMGyroData *gyroData, NSError *error)
       [rawGryoSpeedTest addObject: [NSNumber numberWithDouble: gyroData.timestamp]];
       [rawGryoSpeedTest addObject: [NSNumber numberWithDouble: gyroData.rotationRate.x]];

       if (error)
          NSLog(@"%@", error);

       if (rawGryoSpeedTest.count > 100)
          [motionManager stopGyroUpdates];

          for (uint16_t i = 0; i < rawGryoSpeedTest.count; i+=2)
             NSLog(@"Time: %f   Rate: %f", [rawGryoSpeedTest[i] doubleValue],
                                           [rawGryoSpeedTest[i+1] doubleValue]);


关于iphone - iPhone 中加速度计的最大采样率,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6910686/


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